Disable the Anchor Tab on the Link Manager
In order to disable the Anchor tab on the Link manager of RadEditor, do the following:
Copy the EditorDialogs folder from the Telerik controls' installation folder to the root of your web application
If you are using the Telerik UI controls for ASP.NET AJAX from a ZIP archive instead of MSI installer, note that you can find the EditorDialogs folder in the chosen path of the extracted files.
Set the ExternalDialogsPath property to point to the location of this folder, e.g.
<telerik:RadEditor RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" ExternalDialogsPath="~/EditorDialogs"></telerik:RadEditor>
Open the \EditorDialogs\LinkManager.ascx file and set the RadTab's Visible property to false, e.g.
<telerik:RadTab Text="Anchor" Visible="false" Value="Anchor"></telerik:RadTab>
Save the file and refresh the dialog.