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Item Builder

The RadDropDownList Item Builder lets you define items inline (in the aspx page).

RadDropDownList Item Builder

There are two ways to bring up the RadDropDownList Item Builder:

  • From the RadDropDownList Smart Tag , click on the Build RadDropDownList link.

  • Right-click on the RadDropDownList control and select Build RadDropDownList from its pop-up menu.

You can add, edit, delete and re-arrange items:

dropdownlist itembuilder additemClick the Add button to append a DropDownListItem to the list.
dropdownlist itembuilder moveitemUse the up and down arrow buttons to rearrange the items in the list. This order determines the order the items appear in the drop-down list.
dropdownlist itembuilder removeitemSelect an item and click the Delete button to delete it from the list.
dropdownlist designtime sortingSelect individual items to change their properties using the property pane on the right of the RadDropDownList Item builder . Use the sorting controls above the property paneto sort the properties by category or alphabetically.

dropdownlist itembuilder

RadDropDownListItem Properties

For each RadDropDownListItem,

  • Text is the string that the user sees for the item in the drop-down list.

  • Value is the value associated with the item. It determines the value of the dropdownlist's SelectedValue property when the item is selected.

  • ToolTip is a string that appears in the tooltip window when the user hovers the mouse over the item in the drop-down list.

Setting the tooltip can enable an accessibility feature: Special accessibility readers like JAWS can pronounce the tooltip of the highlighted item.

  • Selected lets you control which item is initially selected when the RadDropDownList first appears.

Only one item can be selected at a time. If you set Selected to True for an item, the Selected property of all other items is automatically set to False .

  • Enabled determines whether the user can select the item from the drop-down list.

  • CssClass is the name of a CSS style to be applied to the dropdownlist item. The style can be declared in the CSS file of the applied skin.