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RadDropDownList Object
The following table lists the methods of the client-side RadDropDownList object:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
get_items | none | Telerik.Web.UI.DropDownListItemCollection | Gets a collection with all items. |
getItem | Number | Telerik.Web.UI.DropDownListItem | Gets the item from the Items collection residing at the index specified by the parameter. See Example 1. |
findItemByText | String | Telerik.Web.UI.DropDownListItem | Gets the first item with the given text. See Example 1. |
findItemByValue | String | Telerik.Web.UI.DropDownListItem | Gets the first item with the given value. See Example 1. |
get_selectedItem | none | Telerik.Web.UI.DropDownListItem | Gets the selected item. See Example 3. |
repaint | none | none | Refreshes the RadDropDownList UI. |
set_enabled | Boolean | none | Enables RadDropDownList. |
get_childListElement | none | HTMLElement | Gets the UL element of the RadDropDownList. |
get_dropDownElement | none | HTMLElement | Gets the root DOM element of the RadDropDownList. |
get_textElement | none | HTMLElement | Gets the DOM element of the RadDropDownList where the text of the currently selected item is shown. |
openDropDown | none | none | Opens the DropDown. |
closeDropDown | none | none | Closes the DropDown. |
toggleDropDown | none | none | Toggles the DropDown state between opened and closed. |
get_clientTemplate | none | String | Returns the value of the RadDropDownList's ClientItemTemplate property. |
set_clientTemplate | String | none | Sets the value of the RadDropDownList's ClientItemTemplate property. |
get_emptySelectionMessage | none | String | Returns the value of the RadDropDownList's EmptySelectionMessage property. |
set_emptySelectionMessage | String | none | Sets the value of the RadDropDownList's EmptySelectionMessage property. |
trackChanges | none | none | Starts tracking changes made to RadDropDownList that will be preserved over postbacks. See Example 4. |
commitChanges | none | none | Writes the changes to RadDropDownList that were made since a previous call to trackChanges, so that they are preserved over postbacks. Client-side changes are available on the server after postback. You can use the ClientChanges property to access them. See Example 4. |
saveClientState | none | none | Saves the client state to the client state hidden field. |
get_webServiceSettings | none | Telerik.Web.UI.WebServiceSettings | Gets the Web service settings of the RadDropDownList. |
set_webServiceSettings | Telerik.Web.UI.WebServiceSettings | none | Sets the Web service settings of the RadDropDownList. |
get_expandAnimation | none | Telerik.Web.UI.AnimationSettings | Gets the expand animation settings of the RadDropDownList. |
set_expandAnimation | Telerik.Web.UI.AnimationSettings | none | Sets the expand animation settings of the RadDropDownList. |
get_collapseAnimation | none | Telerik.Web.UI.AnimationSettings | Gets the collapse animation settings of the RadDropDownList. |
set_collapseAnimation | Telerik.Web.UI.AnimationSettings | none | Gets the collapse animation settings of the RadDropDownList. |
get_enableScreenBoundaryDetection | none | Boolean | Gets the value of the EnableScreenBoundaryDetection property of the RadDropDownList. |
set_enableScreenBoundaryDetection | Boolean | none | Sets the value of the EnableScreenBoundaryDetection property of the RadDropDownList. |
get_enableDirectionDetection | none | Boolean | Gets the value of the EnableDirectionDetection property of the RadDropDownList. |
set_enableDirectionDetection | Boolean | none | Sets the value of the EnableDirectionDetection property of the RadDropDownList. |
get_expandDirection | none | Telerik.Web.UI.DropDownListExpandDirection | Gets the expand direction of the dropdown. DropDownListExpandDirection.Up = 0; DropDownListExpandDirection.Down = 1. |
set_expandDirection | Telerik.Web.UI.DropDownListExpandDirection | none | Sets the expand direction of the dropdown. DropDownListExpandDirection.Up = 0; DropDownListExpandDirection.Down = 1. |
get_rippleZonesConfiguration | none | Array | Returns an array with two objects with "element" and "rippleConfigurations" properties. The first object has the configuration of the DropDownList element and the second object - for the dropdown element of the DropDownList. |
Example 1: Find an item by index, text, value.
var dropdownlist = $find("<%= RadDropDownList1.ClientID %>");
var itemByIndex = dropdownlist.getItem(0);
var itemByText = dropdownlist.findItemByText("Item 1");
var itemByValue = dropdownlist.findItemByValue("1");
Example 2: Select an item.
var dropdownlist = $find("<%= RadDropDownList1.ClientID %>");
var itemByIndex = dropdownlist.getItem(0);;
Example 3: Clear selection.
var dropdownlist = $find("<%= RadDropDownList1.ClientID %>");
var selectedItem = dropdownlist.get_selectedItem();
Example 4: Add a new item and persist it after a postback.
function AddNewItem() {
var dropdownlist = $find("<%= RadDropDownList1.ClientID %>");
var dropdownlistItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.DropDownListItem();