Events Overview
This article lists the clients-side events of the RadDrawer and how to use them.
All events follow the MS AJAX client events convention and receive two arguments:
- the RadDrawer instance that raised the eventevent arguments
- event-specific data provided to the developer
RadDrawer is a wrapper over the Kendo UI Drawer widget and so it exposes the client events and data it does. You can find a list below.
The event data is wrapped according to the MS AJAX conventions and the fields you can see in the underlying Kendo Widget are avaliable through a method like
in theevent arguments
argument of the handler (that is, the second argument the event handler receives). To cancel an cancelable event, you must call itsargs.set_cancel(true);
The exceptions are the OnInitialize and OnLoad events that are specific to the MS AJAX framework.
Listing 1: The client-side events exposed by RadDrawer
OnShow—Fires before the RadDrawer is revealed. Cancellable.
OnHide—Fired when the RadDrawer is about to be hidden. Cancellable.
OnItemClick—Fires when user clicks on item from the RadDrawer. Not cancellable. The arguments have the get_item() and get_text() methods.
OnInitialize—Fired just before the RadDrawer client-side object is initialized.
OnLoad—Fired when RadDrawer is initialized.
Example 1: Store a reference to the client-side object through the OnLoad event
var drawer, kendoDrawer;
function OnLoad(sender, args) {
drawer = sender; //the RadDrawer
kendoDrawer = sender.get_kendoWidget(); //the underlying Kendo Drawer
<telerik:RadDrawer runat="server" ID="RadDrawer">
<ClientEvents OnLoad="OnLoad" />
Example 2: Get the data associated with the clicked item
function OnItemClick(sender, args) {
// a jQuery object of the clicked item
var $itemElement = args.get_item();
// the text of the element with class .k-item-text element inside the clicked item
var itemText = args.get_text();
<telerik:RadDrawer runat="server" ID="RadDrawer1" DrawerWidth="200" SwipeToOpen="true">
<ClientEvents OnItemClick="OnItemClick" />
<li data-role='drawer-item' class='k-state-selected'>
<span class='k-item-text'>First Item</span>
<li data-role='drawer-item'>
<span class='k-item-text'>Second Item</span>
<li data-role='drawer-separator'></li>
<li data-role='drawer-item'>
<span class='k-item-text'>Third Item</span>
<li data-role='drawer-item'>
<span class='k-item-text'>Fourth Item</span>
Example 3: Cancel an event
function OnShow(sender, args) {
var shouldCancel = true;//use actual business logic
args.set_cancel(shouldCancel);//cancel the event
//in this example, the drawer will never show
<telerik:RadDrawer runat="server" ID="RadDrawer1" DrawerWidth="200" SwipeToOpen="true">
<ClientEvents OnShow="OnShow" />
<li data-role='drawer-item' class='k-state-selected'>
<span class='k-item-text'>First Item</span>
<li data-role='drawer-item'>
<span class='k-item-text'>Second Item</span>
<li data-role='drawer-separator'></li>
<li data-role='drawer-item'>
<span class='k-item-text'>Third Item</span>
<li data-role='drawer-item'>
<span class='k-item-text'>Fourth Item</span>