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Draggable Client-Side APIs

Get Client-Side Reference

Draggable Markup Definition

<telerik:RadDraggable runat="server" ID="RadDraggable1">

JavaScript to Get Reference to RadDraggable

    function GetClientSideReference() {
        let draggable; // Client-Side Object
        let draggableElement; // HTML element

        // Client-Side Object using $find()
        draggable = $find('<%= RadDraggable1.ClientID%>');

        // Client-Side Object using $telerik.findControl()
        draggable = $telerik.findControl(document, "RadDraggable1");

        // If using jQuery, or just JavaScript to find the Element itself, there are two steps to get client-side reference
        // Step 1: Get the HTML element
        // Find the element using $get()
        draggableElement = $get('<%= RadDraggable1.ClientID%>');

        // Find the element using jQuery.
        // Note that "$telerik.$()" is the same as "$()" or "jQuery()"
        draggableElement = $telerik.$('[id$=RadDraggable1]')[0]; // same as $('[id$=RadDraggable1]')[0]; or jQuery('[id$=RadDraggable1]')[0]

        // Find the Element using QuerySelector
        draggableElement = document.querySelector('[id$=RadDraggable1]');

        // Step 2: call the ".control" property on the HTML element which will return the Client-Side object
        draggable = draggableElement.control;

Public Getter Properties

PropertyReturn TypeDescription
get_autoScroll()boolReturns true or false indicating whether the AutoScroll is enabled.
get_axis()intReturns an integer indicating the Axis restriction
get_containerElements()jQuery Collection of ElementsGets the a jQuery collection of elements satisfying the selector in ContainerSelectors property.
get_cursorOffset()ObjectReturns and object with top and left properties if set or null.
get_distance()intReturns the distance needed to drag before an actual drag is initiated.
get_dropped()boolReturns a boolean identifying if the draggable is dropped inside a valid DropTarget or not.
get_elements()jQuery Collection of ElementsReturns a jQuery collection of elements satisfying the selector defined in TargetSelectors.
get_group()stringReturns a string representation of the group assigned to the control. The default group is "default".
get_hintHandler()functionReturns the function that should return the element that will be used as a Hint element.
get_holdToDrag()booleanReturns a boolean describing wether a touch and hold is required to initiate a drag. Relevant for touch and mobile devices.
get_kendoWidget()Kendo.ui.DraggableReturns the Kendo UI Draggable widget created for the RadDraggable control.
get_filterSelectors()stringReturns a string representation of the selector used to filter the elements that should be draggable when the RadDraggable is attached to a container.

Public Setter Properties

set_autoScroll()boolSets the AutoScroll property for the control.
set_axis()Telerik.Web.UI.RadDraggableAxis / intSets the axis restriction for the hint element. The values for the Telerik.Web.UI.RadDraggableAxis enum are: None - 0, Horizontal - 1, Verical - 2.
set_cursorOffset()objectSets the offset of the hint element related to the mouse during a drag. Receives an object with two integer properties - top and left.
set_distance()intSets the distance needed to drag before an actual drag is initiated.
set_group()stringSets the group value for the RadDraggable.
set_hintHandler()functionSets the function that should return the element that will be used as a Hint element.
set_holdToDrag()boolControls wether a touch and hold is required to initiate a drag. Relevant for touch and mobile devices.
set_filterSelectors()stringSets the selector used to filter the elements that should be draggable when the RadDraggable is attached to a container.