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RadDock Object

The following table lists the most important methods of the client-side RadDock object:

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
clonestringTelerik.Web.UI.RadDockClones the current Telerik.Web.UI.RadDock object. Accepts as parameter a string that will be set to the UniqueId of the cloned object. Returns the cloned Telerik.Web.UI.RadDock object.
undocknonenoneRemoves the control from its docking zone, making it a floating control.
getCommandstringDockCommand objectReturns the client-side object for the command with a specified name.
get_tagnonestringReturns the value, specified in the server-side property Tag of RadDock .
set_handleHTML elementnoneMakes the specified DOM element the drag handle for the RadDock object.
get_handlenoneHTML elementReturns the DOM element that the user must click on to drag the control.
get_contentContainernoneHTML elementReturns the DOM element for the content region of the control.
get_autoPostBacknonebooleanGets the value indicating whether the control initiates a postback when the user moves it with the mouse.
set_autoPostBackbooleannoneSets the value indicating whether the control initiates a postback when the user moves it with the mouse.
get_uniqueIDnonestringReturns the UniqueID of the control.
get_dockZoneIDnonestringReturns the ID of the docking zone in which the control is docked. If the control is floating, get_dockZoneID returns null.
get_indexnoneintReturns the (0-offset) docking position of the control within its parent docking zone. Tip: to change the docking position of the control, use the dock method of the parent docking zone.
get_parentnoneObjectIf the control is docked, returns the object for the parent docking zone.
get_titlenonestringReturns the title string of the control.
set_titlestringnoneSets the title string of the control.
get_pinnednonebooleanIndicates whether the control is pinned.
set_pinnedbooleannoneCauses a floating control to become pinned or unpinned.
get_closednonebooleanIndicates whether the control is closed.
set_closedbooleannoneCauses the control to close ( true ) or to reappear ( false ).
get_collapsednonebooleanIndicates whether the control is collapsed.
set_collapsedbooleannoneCauses the control to collapse ( true ) or expand ( false ).
get_dockModenoneintReturns 1 if the DockMode is "Floating", 2 if it is "Docked", and 3 if it is "Default".
set_dockModeintnoneSets the DockMode to "Floating" (1), "Docked" (2) or "Default" (3).
get_leftnoneintGets the X-coordinate of the control when it is floating.
set_leftintnoneSets the X-coordinate of the control when it is floating.
get_topnoneintGets the Y-coordinate of the control when it is floating.
set_topintnoneSets the Y-coordinate of the control when it is floating.
get_heightnonestringGets the height of the control.
set_heightint/stringnoneSets the height of the control.
get_widthnonestringGets the width of the control.
set_widthint/stringnoneSets the width of the control.
get_forbiddenZonesnoneArrayReturns the array of docking zones where the control is not allowed to dock.
set_forbiddenZonesArraynoneSets the array of docking zones where the control is not allowed to dock.
get_enableDragnonebooleanIndicates whether the user can drag the control to a new location.
set_enableDragbooleannoneSets a value enabling or disabling the ability of the user to drag the control to a new location.
get_elementnoneHTML elementReturns the DOM element for this control.
add_<Event> e.g. add_commandEvent handlernoneAdds a client-side event handler for a specific event.
remove_<Event> e.g. remove_commandEvent handlernoneRemoves a client-side event handler for a specific event.
doPostBacknonenoneCauses a server-side DockPositionChanged event if the current position of the control differs from the position it had the last time the page was loaded.
conditionalPostbacknonenonecalls doPostBack if the AutoPostBack property is true .
get_resizablenonebooleanGets the bool value indicating whether the control can be resized.
set_resizablebooleannoneEnables/Disables the resizing of the control.

See Also

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