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RadDock Object
The following table lists the most important methods of the client-side RadDock object:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
clone | string | Telerik.Web.UI.RadDock | Clones the current Telerik.Web.UI.RadDock object. Accepts as parameter a string that will be set to the UniqueId of the cloned object. Returns the cloned Telerik.Web.UI.RadDock object. |
undock | none | none | Removes the control from its docking zone, making it a floating control. |
getCommand | string | DockCommand object | Returns the client-side object for the command with a specified name. |
get_tag | none | string | Returns the value, specified in the server-side property Tag of RadDock . |
set_handle | HTML element | none | Makes the specified DOM element the drag handle for the RadDock object. |
get_handle | none | HTML element | Returns the DOM element that the user must click on to drag the control. |
get_contentContainer | none | HTML element | Returns the DOM element for the content region of the control. |
get_autoPostBack | none | boolean | Gets the value indicating whether the control initiates a postback when the user moves it with the mouse. |
set_autoPostBack | boolean | none | Sets the value indicating whether the control initiates a postback when the user moves it with the mouse. |
get_uniqueID | none | string | Returns the UniqueID of the control. |
get_dockZoneID | none | string | Returns the ID of the docking zone in which the control is docked. If the control is floating, get_dockZoneID returns null. |
get_index | none | int | Returns the (0-offset) docking position of the control within its parent docking zone. Tip: to change the docking position of the control, use the dock method of the parent docking zone. |
get_parent | none | Object | If the control is docked, returns the object for the parent docking zone. |
get_title | none | string | Returns the title string of the control. |
set_title | string | none | Sets the title string of the control. |
get_pinned | none | boolean | Indicates whether the control is pinned. |
set_pinned | boolean | none | Causes a floating control to become pinned or unpinned. |
get_closed | none | boolean | Indicates whether the control is closed. |
set_closed | boolean | none | Causes the control to close ( true ) or to reappear ( false ). |
get_collapsed | none | boolean | Indicates whether the control is collapsed. |
set_collapsed | boolean | none | Causes the control to collapse ( true ) or expand ( false ). |
get_dockMode | none | int | Returns 1 if the DockMode is "Floating", 2 if it is "Docked", and 3 if it is "Default". |
set_dockMode | int | none | Sets the DockMode to "Floating" (1), "Docked" (2) or "Default" (3). |
get_left | none | int | Gets the X-coordinate of the control when it is floating. |
set_left | int | none | Sets the X-coordinate of the control when it is floating. |
get_top | none | int | Gets the Y-coordinate of the control when it is floating. |
set_top | int | none | Sets the Y-coordinate of the control when it is floating. |
get_height | none | string | Gets the height of the control. |
set_height | int/string | none | Sets the height of the control. |
get_width | none | string | Gets the width of the control. |
set_width | int/string | none | Sets the width of the control. |
get_forbiddenZones | none | Array | Returns the array of docking zones where the control is not allowed to dock. |
set_forbiddenZones | Array | none | Sets the array of docking zones where the control is not allowed to dock. |
get_enableDrag | none | boolean | Indicates whether the user can drag the control to a new location. |
set_enableDrag | boolean | none | Sets a value enabling or disabling the ability of the user to drag the control to a new location. |
get_element | none | HTML element | Returns the DOM element for this control. |
add_<Event> e.g. add_command | Event handler | none | Adds a client-side event handler for a specific event. |
remove_<Event> e.g. remove_command | Event handler | none | Removes a client-side event handler for a specific event. |
doPostBack | none | none | Causes a server-side DockPositionChanged event if the current position of the control differs from the position it had the last time the page was loaded. |
conditionalPostback | none | none | calls doPostBack if the AutoPostBack property is true . |
get_resizable | none | boolean | Gets the bool value indicating whether the control can be resized. |
set_resizable | boolean | none | Enables/Disables the resizing of the control. |