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Fluid and Elastic Capabilities

The RadDateTimePicker control provides elastic and fluid capabilities that allow keeping the proportions of the control on different mobile devices.

Fluid capability

The fluid capabilities are simply achievable by setting the width of the control in percentage.

Elastic capability

To use the elastic functionality you need to set specific font size based on the targeted mobile device and follow three simple steps to make the RadDateTimePicker elastic:

  1. By using specific CSS selectors apply "1em" font size for all the Calendar components like this:
<style type="text/css">
    /*Calednar*/ html .RadCalendar,
    /*MonthYearPicker, RadDatePicker FastNavigation Popup*/ html .RadCalendarMonthView,
    /*TimeView Popup*/ html .RadCalendarTimeView,
    /*Input, DateInput*/ html .RadInput, html .riTextBox,
    html .RadPicker {
        font-size: 1em;
  1. Set the RenderMode property of the RadDateTimePicker control to "Lightweight"
<telerik:RadDateTimePicker ID="RadDateTimePicker2" runat="server" SelectedDate="4.8.2015 10:00" RenderMode="Lightweight" DateInput-Label="Label:" Width="13.3333em">
  1. Set the picker components width in "em". In order to keep the default calendar/pickers proportion on mobile devices we would suggest you to set width="13.3333em" as the default width of the components is "160px" and the font-size is originally set to "12px"See the both images bellow that presents the control's elastic capability

    • DatePicker control's rendering in case the body font size is set to 12px


    • DatePicker control's rendering in case the body font size is set to 18px
