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Data Binding

Binding a RadDateRangePicker control to a data source is easy by using the DbRangeSelectionStartDate and DbRangeSelectionEndDate properties exposed by the component. It works almost like the RangeSelectionStartDate and RangeSelectionEndDate one, but these do not throw an exception when given a null value.

When embedding a RadDateRangePicker control inside a data-bound control, use a data-binding expression to bind the value of the input control to the data source of the parent control. Data-binding expressions are contained within <%# and %> delimiters and use the Eval and Bind functions. The Eval function is used to define one-way (read-only) binding. The Bind function is used for two-way (updatable) binding.

In addition to calling Eval and Bind methods to perform data binding in a data-binding expression, you can call any publicly scoped code within the <%# and %> delimiters to execute that code and return a value during page processing.

Data-binding the picker control

The following example demonstrates how to bind a RadDateRangePicker control inside a RadGrid, as shown above.

<telerik:RadGrid RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadGrid1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
    OnNeedDataSource="RadGrid1_NeedDataSource" OnUpdateCommand="RadGrid1_UpdateCommand">
    <MasterTableView EditMode="InPlace">
            <telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Registered Vacations" UniqueName="TemplateColumn">
                    <asp:Label runat="server" ID="startDate" Text='<%# Eval("StartDate", "{0:D}") %>'>
                    <asp:Label runat="server" ID="endDate" Text='<%# Eval("EndDate", "{0:D}") %>'>
                    <telerik:RadDateRangePicker ID="RadDateRangePicker1" CssClass="RadDateRangePicker" runat="server" DbSelectedStartDate='<%# Bind("StartDate") %>' DbSelectedEndDate='<%# Bind("EndDate") %>'>
                            <DateInput Label="Start date: "></DateInput>
                            <DateInput Label="End date: "></DateInput>
            <telerik:GridEditCommandColumn UniqueName="EditColumn">

To see the live example that the example above was taken from, see Data Binding.

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