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RadDateRangePicker object

This article lists the client-side API of RadDateRangePicker and shows how to use it.

To use the API, you must first get a reference to the control's client-side object. For example:

var dateRangePickerObject = $find("<%=RadDateRangePicker1.ClientID %>");

Once you have reference to the RadDateRangePicker, you can use the following three functions to reach the embedded Calendar and DatePicker(s) and use their own Client-side APIs

get_calendar()RadCalendarReturns a reference to the client object for the popup Calendar.
get_startDatePicker()RadDatePickerReturns a reference to the client object for the start DatePicker
get_endDatePicker()RadDatePickerReturns a reference to the client object for the end DatePicker

For the further use of the embedded controls on the client-side, check out the Client-side programming articles for RadCalendar and RadDatePicker.

The following table lists the most important properties of the RadDateRangePicker client-side object.


get_rangeSelectionStartDateDateReturns the first date in the selected range, or null if no date is selected.
set_rangeSelectionStartDateDateSets the first/start date of the range selection.
get_rangeSelectionEndDateDateReturns the last date in the selected range, or null if no date is selected.
set_rangeSelectionEndDateDateSets the last/end date of the range selection.
get_rangeMinDateDateReturns the earliest date the user can select.
set_rangeMinDateDateSets the earliest date the user can select.
get_rangeMaxDateDateReturns the latest date the user can select.
set_rangeMaxDateDateSets the latest date the user can select.
get_enabledbooleanReturns whether the control is enabled.
set_enabledbooleanSets whether the control is enabled and operable by the user.
get_elementHTML elementReturns the DOM element for the entire RadDateRangePicker control.


clearClears the selection, leaving the values as unassigned.
showPopupinteger, integerDisplays the popup calendar at the specified coordinates. If the two parameters are omitted, the popup appears below the input area.
hidePopupHides the popup calendar if it is shown.
togglePopupToggles the visible state of the popup calendar.
_doPostBackInitiates a Postback so the client-side selection is submitted to the server.

See Also

In this article
PropertiesMethodsSee Also
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