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The OnDateSelected client-side event handler is called immediately after the value of the control's selection has changed.

The OnDateSelected event fires when selection is done on each of the child controls - the StartDatePicker, EndDatePicker or the Calendar.

The event handler receives two arguments:

  1. the object that fired the event.

  2. an event arguments object that exposes the following methods:

NameReturn TypeArgumentsDescription
get_sender()Control instanceReturns instance of the Control whose date has been changed - RadCalendar or RadDatePicker
get_shouldPostBack()boolReturns If the control should automatically perform a postback
set_shouldPostBack()boolSets If the control should automatically perform a postback

Check out sample use of this event in the Client-Side Events demo


<telerik:RadDateRangePicker RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadDateRangePicker1" runat="server" Width="100%">
    <ClientEvents OnDateSelected="OnDateSelected" />
  • Use get_sender() to define the control that triggered the event and log the selection on the console:
function OnDateSelected(sender, e) {
    var dateRangePicker = sender;
    var senderChildControl = e.get_sender();
    if (senderChildControl === dateRangePicker.get_startDatePicker() || senderChildControl === dateRangePicker.get_endDatePicker()) {
        //DatePicker triggered the event
        var selectedDate = senderChildControl.get_selectedDate();
        if (selectedDate != null) {
            console.log("OnDateSelected: " + selectedDate.toDateString() + " selected in " + senderChildControl.get_id() + "<br />");
        else {
            console.log("OnDateSelected: Date cleared in " + senderChildControl.get_id() + "<br />");
    else {
        //Calendar triggered the event
        var calendarSelectedDates = senderChildControl.get_selectedDates();
        if (calendarSelectedDates.length == 0) {
            console.log("OnDateSelected: Date range cleared in " + senderChildControl.get_id() + "<br />");
        else {
            if (calendarSelectedDates.length == 1) {
                var selectedDate = new Date(calendarSelectedDates[0])
                console.log("OnDateSelected: " + selectedDate.toDateString() + " selected in " + senderChildControl.get_id() + "<br />");
            else {
                var selectedStartDate = new Date(calendarSelectedDates[0]);
                var selectedEndDate = new Date(calendarSelectedDates[calendarSelectedDates.length - 1]);

                console.log("OnDateSelected: Date Range from " + selectedStartDate.toDateString() + " to " + selectedEndDate.toDateString() + " selected in " + senderChildControl.get_id() + "<br />");
  • Use set_shouldPostBack() to trigger a Postback when both Start and End date have been set:
function OnDateSelected(sender, args) {
    // trigger a postback when both start and end dates are selected
    if (sender.get_rangeSelectionStartDate() && sender.get_rangeSelectionEndDate()) {

See Also

In this article
ExamplesSee Also
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