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DateFormatInfo Client Object
The DateFormatInfo client object determines how a RadDateInput parses dates. It is returned by the get_dateFormatInfo() method of the RadDateInput client-side object. The following table lists its properties:
Property | Type | Description |
AbbreviatedDayNames | Array | Lists the abbreviated day name strings. |
AbbreviatedMonthNames | Array | Lists the abbreviated month name strings. |
AMDesignator | string | Specifies the string for the AM designator. |
DateSeparator | character | Specifies the date part separator character. |
DateSlots | DateSlots object | The DateSlots object has three properties: Day , Month , and Year . Each has a value of 0, 1, or 2, indicating the position of that date part in a date part triplet. |
DayNames | Array | Lists the full names for each day. |
FirstDayOfWeek | integer | Gives the index of the first day of the week, where Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, and so on. |
MonthNames | Array | Lists the full names of the months. |
PMDesignator | string | Specifies the string for the PM designator. |
ShortYearCenturyEnd | integer | Gives the last year of the 100-year span used to interpret years that contain only 1 or 2 digits. |
TimeInputOnly | boolean | When true , values are parsed as representing time values with no date part. |
TimeSeparator | character | The separator character that appears between parts of a time value. |