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CSS Skin File Selectors

The following table lists significant CSS selectors and descriptions that apply to the RadInput control in RadInput style sheets.

These class names are for the "Default" skin. For other skins, replace the string "Default" with the name of the skin.

RadInput CSS classes


Class NameElementDescriptionSIR*OldRendering
.RadInput (RadInput_Default)DIV or SPANThe class for the entire control.YesYes
.riSingleSPANThe class for the entire control in SIR mode.YesNo
.riContentWrapperSPANThe class for the element, which wraps all elements without the label.YesNo
.riTextBoxINPUT OR TEXTAREAThe common class for the input area in all states.YesYes
.riEnabledINPUT OR TEXTAREAThe class for the input area when it is enabled.YesYes
.riHoverINPUT OR TEXTAREAThe class for the input area when the mouse hovers over it.YesYes
.riReadINPUT OR TEXTAREAThe class for the input area when the input control is read-only.YesYes
.riDisabledINPUT OR TEXTAREAThe class for the input area and button areas when the input control is disabled.YesYes
.riEmptyINPUT OR TEXTAREAThe class for the input area when the empty message is displayed.YesYes
.riFocusedINPUT OR TEXTAREAThe class for the input area when the control has focus.YesYes
.riErrorINPUT OR TEXTAREAThe class for the input area when the user has entered an invalid value.YesYes
.riCellTDThe class for the input area's wrapper table cell (rendered only when labels or buttons are enabled).NoYes
.riSpinTDThe class for the area where spin buttons appear.NoYes
.riBtnTDThe class for the cell where the image button appears.NoYes
.riLabelLABELThe class for the label.YesYes
.riUpAThe class for the "up" spin button.YesYes
.riDownAThe class for the "down" spin button.YesYes
.riButtonAThe class for the image button.YesNo

See Also

In this article
RadInput CSS classesSee Also
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