RadComboBox Object
This article explains about the methods of the RadComboBox client-side object. The RadComboBox client API allows for complete control over the client object, giving the developer the opportunity to set the behavior of the control depending on the scenario.
Telerik has removed the tlrkComboBoxes array from the RadComboBox object. You should use Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox.ComboBoxes instead - which you can use to obtain an array containing all the client-side RadComboBox instances.
The following table lists the most important methods of the client-side RadComboBox object:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
trackChanges | none | none | Starts tracking changes made to RadComboBox that will be preserved over postbacks. See Example 1. |
commitChanges | none | none | Writes the changes to RadComboBox that were made since a previous call to trackChanges , so that they are preserved over postbacks. Client-side changes are available on the server after postback. You can use the ClientChanges property to access them. See Example 1. |
set_text | (string text) | none | Sets the text of the input field to the value of the specified parameter. See Example 2. |
get_text | none | string | Gets the text of the input field. |
get_checkedItems | none | array | Gets an array of the checked RadComboBoxItem objects. |
get_lastWord | none | string | Gets the word after the last separator in the text of RadComboBox input field. If a separator is not set, returns the text itself. |
set_allowCustomText | Boolean | none | Allows/Disallows the users to type text in the input area, when called with 'false' as a parameter - the input area contains only the currently selected item's text, or text obtained by all selected items' texts separated by comma or other character. |
get_allowCustomText | none | Boolean | Returns true the users are allowed to type random text in the input area, false otherwise. |
set_emptyMessage | (string text) | none | Sets the EmptyMessage text of RadComboBox input field. |
get_emptyMessage | none | string | Gets the EmptyMessage text of RadComboBox input field. |
set_value | (string value) | none | Sets the value of RadComboBox . |
get_value | none | string | Gets the value of RadComboBox . |
showDropDown | none | none | Opens the drop-down list. |
set_closeDropDownOnBlur | Boolean | none | If you call the showDropDown / toggleDropDown method on a button click, you will have to use combo.set_closeDropDownOnBlur(false) right before you call the showDropDown / toggleDropDown method, otherwise the drop-down area will flicker instead of open. Then, you should use combo.set_closeDropDownOnBlur(true) in the OnClientBlur event handler. You can see a demo at: Add/Remove/Disable Items |
hideDropDown | none | none | Closes the drop-down list. |
toggleDropDown | none | none | Toggles the drop-down list. |
enable | none | none | Enables the RadComboBox. See Example 7. |
disable | none | none | Disables the RadComboBox . See Example 7. |
findItemByValue | (string value) | RadComboBoxItem | Returns the first RadComboBoxItem object whose Value property equals the passed parameter. |
findItemByText | (string text) | RadComboBoxItem | Returns the first RadComboBoxItem object whose Text property equals the passed parameter. |
findFirstMatch | string | RadComboBoxItem | Returns the first RadComboBoxItem object whose Text contains the string passed as parameter. |
clearItems | none | none | Clears all items of RadComboBox . |
clearSelection | none | none | Clears the selection. See Example 3. |
requestItems | (string text, Boolean) | none | Initiates a load-on-demand callback request with the specified text, causing the ItemsRequested server event to fire or a request to be sent to a web service. The second Boolean parameter instructs the RadComboBox to append the new items ( True ) or clear items ( False ). See Example 4. |
get_id | none | string | Gets the server-side ID of the RadComboBox instance. |
get_dropDownElement | none | DOM object | Gets a reference to the drop-down list. |
get_inputDomElement | none | DOM object | Gets a reference to the input area. See Example 5. |
get_imageDomElement | none | DOM object | Gets a reference to image element (drop-down toggle). See Example 6. |
get_moreResultsBoxElement | none | DOM object | Gets a reference to the MoreResultsBox image element. |
get_moreResultsBoxMessageElement | none | DOM object | Gets a reference to the MoreResultsBox Message element. |
get_dropDownVisible | none | Boolean | True if the drop-down is opened. |
set_enabled | Boolean | none | Sets the Enabled property of the RadComboBox. To enable/disable the RadComboBox on the client-side, use the .enable() and .disable() methods of the RadComboBox client-side object. See Example 7. |
get_enabled | none | Boolean | True if RadComboBox is enabled. |
get_selectedItem | none | RadComboBoxItem | Gets the currently selected item. |
get_selectedIndex | none | integer | Gets the index of the currently selected item. |
set_selectedIndex | none | integer | Sets the selected Index of the RadComboBox. The method does not actually select an Item. |
get_items | none | RadComboBoxItemCollection | Returns the items collection for RadComboBox . |
get_enableItemCaching | none | boolean | True if item caching is enabled (applicable in load-on-demand scenario). |
set_enableItemCaching | boolean | none | Enables/disables item caching (applicable in load-on-demand scenario). |
attachDropDown | none | none | Attach the drop down list to the input element if it is not aligned properly, especially when a postback fires from a templated item. Use it in this scenario: Ajaxified control in ItemTemplate does a full postback. |
get_visibleItems | none | array | Returns all visible items. |
setAllItemsVisible | Boolean | none | Sets all items visible / invisible. |
get_changeText | none | Boolean | True if ChangeTextOnKeyBoardNavigation is true . |
set_changeText | Boolean | none | Sets the ChangeTextOnKeyBoardNavigation property. |
get_enableTextSelection | none | Boolean | True if EnableTextSelection is True . |
set_enableTextSelection | boolean | none | Sets the EnableTextSelection property. |
get_markFirstMatch | none | Boolean | True if MarkFirstMatch is true . |
set_markFirstMatch | Boolean | none | Sets the MarkFirstMatch property. |
clearCache | none | none | Clears the items cache if EnableItemCaching is True . |
get_highlightedItem | none | RadComboBoxItem | Gets the currently highlighted item. |
You can find a complete list of client-side methods for RadComboBox on https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/aspnet-ajax/api/client/Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBox.
Example 1: Add a new item and persist it after a postback.
function AddNewItem() {
var combo = $find("<%= RadComboBox1.ClientID %>");
var comboItem = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadComboBoxItem();
Example 2: Set RadComboBox's text.
function SetTextOfTheComboBox() {
var combo = $find("<%= RadComboBox1.ClientID %>");
Example 3: Clear the selection.
function ClearSelection() {
var combo = $find("<%= RadComboBox1.ClientID %>");
Example 4: Initiate a load-on-demand callback request with the specified text.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function AddItems() {
var combo = $find("<%= RadComboBox1.ClientID %>");
combo.requestItems("Item1", true);
<input id="Button1" type="button" value="button" onclick="AddItems()" />
Example 5: Set the background-color of the input area.
function ChangeInputColor() {
var combo = $find("<%= RadComboBox1.ClientID %>");
var inputArea = combo.get_inputDomElement();
inputArea.style.backgroundColor = "red"
Example 6: Set the image DOM element's src attribute.
function ChangeImageElement() {
var combo = $find("<%= RadComboBox1.ClientID %>");
var image = combo.get_imageDomElement();
image.src = "MyImage.gif";
Example 7: Enable/disable RadComboBox on the client-side.
function ChangeEnabledState(shouldEnable) {
var combo = $find("<%= RadComboBox1.ClientID %>");
if (shouldEnable) {
} else {