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Adding Images to Items

As of Q2 2008, RadComboBox introduces two new properties of RadComboBoxItem class: ImageUrl and DisabledImageUrl.

You can set the ImageUrl to point to an image which will be displayed on the left of the item's text in the dropdown.

You can set the DisabledImageUrl to point to an image which will be displayed on the left of the item's text in the dropdown when the item is disabled. Thus, you can have different images for the enabled and disabled state of an item.

Images are shown only in the dropdown and not in the input area of the combobox

Working with ImageUrl and DisabledImageUrl in-line

	<telerik:RadComboBoxItem ImageUrl="Img/ComboboxPr.gif" Text="RadComboBox" runat="server">        
	<telerik:RadComboBoxItem ImageUrl="Img/MenuPr.gif" Text="RadMenu" runat="server">        
	<telerik:RadComboBoxItem ImageUrl="Img/TreeviewPr.gif" Text="RadTreeView" runat="server">        
	<telerik:RadComboBoxItem ImageUrl="Img/SchedulerPr.gif" Text="RadScheduler">        
	<telerik:RadComboBoxItem ImageUrl="Img/UploadPr.gif" Text="RadUpload">        

The result is:

ComboBox ImageUrl

Working with ImageUrl and DisabledImageUrl server-side

You can easily set the ImageUrl and DisabledImageUrl in the code-behind

RadComboBox1.FindItemByText("RadMenu").ImageUrl = "Img/MenuPr.gif";
RadComboBox1.FindItemByText("RadMenu").DisabledImageUrl = "Img/MenuPrDisabled.gif";

Working with ImageUrl and DisabledImageUrl client-side

To get the ImageUrl of an item - call the get_imageUrl() method.

To set the ImageUrl property - call the set_imageUrl(url) method.

To get the DisabledImageUrl of an item - call the get_disabledImageUrl() method.

To set the DisabledImageUrl property - call the set_disabledImageUrl(url) method.

Controlling the visual appearance of the image

To control the appearance of the image element of the items you can change these CSS rules:

div.RadComboBoxDropDown_Outlook .rcbImage
	vertical-align: middle; margin: 0 6px 2px 0;

Note that here the Outlook is the name of the Skin of the combobox. You need to change it with the name of the skin that you use.

Image Alt Attribute

The alt attribute of the <img /> tag that is rendered is taken from the ToolTip property of the combo item. By default it is an empty string, and so the attribute will render empty.

To set the alt attribute of the image, set the ToolTip property of the item:

<telerik:RadComboBox ID="RadComboBox1" runat="server" RenderMode="Lightweight">
		<telerik:RadComboBoxItem ImageUrl="Img/first.gif" Text="no tooltip, empty alt"></telerik:RadComboBoxItem>
		<telerik:RadComboBoxItem ImageUrl="Img/second.gif" Text="item has tooltip, image has alt" ToolTip="lorem ipsum"></telerik:RadComboBoxItem>