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ColorPicker Object

The following table lists significant members of the client-side RadColorPicker object:

Public Properties


NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
get_selectedColorStringGet the current selected color of the palette.
get_selectedColorTitleStringGet the title of the current selected color.
set_selectedColorstring, boolSet the current selected color of the palette. The boolean parameter indicates whether the method should refresh the UI of the control.

Public Methods

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
getIconContainerDOM objectGet the DOM element representing the color icon.
getPaletteContainerDOM objectGet the DOM element representing the color palette
hidePaletteHides the palette.
showPaletteShow the palette below the color icon.

Adding and Removing Client-Side Events

NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
add_colorChangeFunctionAdd a handler to the ColorChange event
add_colorSelectingFunctionAdd a handler to the ColorSelecting event
add_loadedFunctionAdd a handler to the loaded event
remove_colorChangeFunctionRemove a handler from the ColorChange event
remove_colorSelectingFunctionRemove a handler from the ColorSelecting event
remove_loadedFunctionRemove a handler from the loaded event