IE9 and Safari Compatibility
This article explains the specifics in RadClientExportManager's configuration for use in IE9 and Safari
IE9 and Safari Compatibility
The RadClientExportManager relies on the File API in order to work. IE9, Safari, and iOS do not support File API so in order to export the browser needs to make a request to the server and receive back the data. For this functionality is used the RadClientExportManager ProxyURL. The example below shows how to configure RadClientExportManager, to be able to use it with IE9 and Safari or any browser running under iOS.
Example1: The example shows how to configure the RadClientExportManager in order to use ProxyURL, process and returns the data stream to the client.
<div id="foo">
<span>Some text</span>
<telerik:RadClientExportManager runat="server" ID="RadClientExportManager1">
<PdfSettings FileName="MyFile.pdf" ProxyURL="api/export/file" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function exportElement() {
var exp = $find("RadClientExportManager1");
The Export and save file with Web API code library demonstrates export and saving the exported file to a folder with Web API using an ExportController.