ClientDataSource Object
This help article describes the strongly typed client-side objects of the RadClientDataSource control.
Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.Aggregate – represents an aggregate setting on the client. The following table describes the properties that Aggregate object exposes.
Property | Parameter | Description |
get_field() | none | Returns the data field of the aggregate. |
set_field() | string | Sets the data field of the aggregate. |
get_aggregate() | none | Returns the aggregate function of the aggregate. |
set_aggregate() | Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.AggregateFunction | Sets the aggregate function of the aggregate. |
Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.AggregateCollection – holds a collection of Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.Aggregate settings.
Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.FilterEntry – represents a filter setting on the client. The following table describes the properties that FilterEntry object exposes.
Property | Parameter | Description |
get_fieldName() | none | Gets the name of the field from the dataSource which will be used in the filter entry. |
set_fieldName() | string | Sets the name of the field from the dataSource which will be used in the filter entry. |
get_operator() | none | Gets the filter operator used in the filtering. Enumeration contains: EqualTo , NotEqualTo , GreaterThan , GreaterThanOrEqualTo , LessThan , LessThenOrEqualTo , Contains , EndsWith , StartsWith . |
set_operator() | Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.FilterOperator | Sets the filtering operator. |
get_value() | Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.FilterOperator | Gets the filter value of the current filter entry. |
set_value() | string | Sets the filter value of the current filter entry. |
Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.FilterExpression – represents a client-side strongly types object which holds a collection of FilterEntries or other FilterExpressions and an additional property defining the logic operatorused between the filter entries. The object exposes the following properties.
Property | Parameter | Description |
get_logicOperator() | none | Gets the current logic operator used between the filter entries of the filter expression. Default is AND . |
set_logicOperator() | none | Sets the logic operator used between the filter entries of the filter expression. |
Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.GroupExpression – represents a cient-side strongly types setting describing on group expressionin the RadClientDataSource. The following table describes the properties that GroupExpression object exposes.
Property | Parameter | Description |
get_fieldName() | none | Gets the name of the field from the dataSource which will be used in the grouping operation. |
set_fieldName() | string | Sets the name of the field from the dataSource which will be used in the grouping operation. |
get_aggregates() | none | Gets the aggregates settings for the current group. |
get_sortOrder() | none | Gets the sort order for the current group. |
set_sortOrder() | Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.SortOrder | Sets the sort order for the current group. |
Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.SortExpressionCollection – holds a collection of Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.SortExpression settings.
Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.SortExpression – represents a setting defining one sort expression in the RadClientDataSource. The following table describes the properties that SortExpression object exposes.
Property | Parameter | Description |
get_fieldName() | none | Gets the name of the field from the dataSource which will be used in the sorting operation. |
set_fieldName() | string | Sets the name of the field from the dataSource which will be used in the sorting operation. |
get_sortOrder() | none | Gets the sort order. Default is ASC . |
set_sortOrder() | Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.SortOrder | Sets the sort order when used in sorting. |
Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.SortExpressionCollection – holds a collection of Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.SortExpression settings.
Common properties for all collections.
All of the above collections share the same common properties inherited from Telerik.Web.UI.ClientDataSource.CollectionBase. You can find a definition of each property in the following table.
Property | Parameter | Description |
add() | item | Appends an item at the end of the collection. |
add() | index, item | Inserts an item at the specified index. |
remove() | item | Removes an item from the collection. |
clear() | none | Clears all items in the collection. |
toList() | none | Return a JavaScript array holding all the items in the collection. |
get_count() | none | Gets the total number of items in the collection. |
getItem() | index | Gets an item at the specified index. |
indexOf () | item | Gets the index of the specified item. |
forEach() | labmda function | Applies the lambda function to each item in the collection. |