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Properties and Events
RadCheckBox common features (properties)
Property | Description |
AutoPostBack | Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the control will automatically post the page back to the server. Default value is true . |
CausesValidation | Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether validation is performed when the RadCheckBox is clicked. |
Checked | Gets or sets a nullable bool value indicating whether the RadCheckBox is checked. If a null value is set, the value will default to false. |
PostbackUrl | Gets or sets the URL of the page to post to from the current page, when the RadCheckBox is clicked. |
Text | Gets or sets the text displayed in the RadCheckBox control. |
ValidationGroup | Gets or sets the group of controls for which the RadCheckBox control causes validation when it posts back to the server. |
CommandName | Gets or sets the command name associated with the RadCheckBox control that is passed to the Command event. |
CommandArgument | Gets or sets an optional parameter passed to the Command event along with the associated CommandName. |
CssClass | Define the CSS class for the RadCheckBox. |
DisabledCssClass | Define the CSS class for the RadCheckBox when it is disabled. |
HoveredCssClass | Gets or sets the CSS class, when the mouse pointer is hovered over the RadCheckBox control. |
PressedCssClass | Gets or sets the CSS class, when the RadCheckBox control is pressed. |
OnClientLoad | Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the RadCheckBox is loaded on the page |
OnClientClicking | Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the RadCheckBox is clicked. The event is cancelable. |
OnClientClicked | Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the RadCheckBox is clicked, after the OnClientClicking event. |
OnClientCheckedChanging | Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the RadCheckBox is checked/unchecked. The event is cancelable. |
OnClientCheckedChanged | Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the RadCheckBox is checked/unchecked, after the OnClientClicking event. |
OnClientMouseOver | Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the mouse pointer hovers over the RadCheckBox |
OnClientMouseOut | Sets a name of a JavaScript function that will be called when the mouse pointer leaves the RadCheckBox |
UseSubmitBehavior | Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the RadCheckBox control uses the client browser's submit mechanism or the ASP.NET postback mechanism. |
Value | Value associated with the checkbox. |
Server - side Events:
Property | Description |
OnClick | Raised when the RadCheckBox performs a postback. |
OnCommand | Raised when the RadCheckBox performs a postback. |
OnCheckedChanged | Raised when the checked state of the RadCheckBox has changed. |
The event order is: