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Render Mode


The ASP NET AJAX Calendar exposes the RenderMode property, which accepts three values - Classic, Lightweight and Native.

The same mode should be selected for all RadCalendar controls on the entire page. Otherwise, RadCalendar layout will be damaged due to confusion over the multiple CSS classes on the page.

The Classic render mode

RadCalendar is rendered in Classic mode by default.

Rendering: (Metro skin)

<div id="RadCalendar1_wrapper">
    <table cellspacing="0" class="RadCalendar RadCalendar_Metro" summary="Calendar control which enables the selection of dates." id="RadCalendar1">
            <span style="display: none;">Calendar</span>
                <td class="rcTitlebar">
                    <table cellspacing="0" summary="Title and navigation which can change and show the current year and month.">
                            <span style="display: none;">Title and navigation</span>
                            <tr style="display: none;">
                                <th scope="col"></th>
                                <!-- Navigation part-->
                <td class="rcMain">
                    <table cellspacing="0" summary="Table containing all dates for the currently selected month." class="rcMainTable" id="RadCalendar1_Top">
                            <span style="display: none;">May 2013</span>
                            <tr class="rcWeek">
                                <th scope="col" class="rcViewSel">&nbsp;</th>
                                <th abbr="Sun" scope="col" title="Sunday" id="Th1">S</th>
                                <!-- || -->
                            <tr class="rcRow">
                                <th scope="row" id="Th2">18</th>
                                <td title="Sunday, April 28, 2013" class="rcOtherMonth"><a href="#">28</a></td>
                                <!-- || -->
                            <!-- || -->

The Lightweight render mode

Lighweight rendering yields completely different markup making maximum use of CSS 3 and semantic html. This means that we no longer use table elements for building the layout of RadCalendar. Thus, two table elements are dropped from the rendered mark-up in favor of improved performance and decreased amount of data requested from the client browser. This enhancement favors especially the mobile experience.

Not all controls support Lightweight render mode.

Rendering: (Metro skin)

<div class="RadCalendar RadCalendar_Metro" id="RadCalendar1_wrapper">
    <div class="rcTitlebar">
        <!-- Navigation part-->
    <div class="rcMain">
        <table cellspacing="0" summary="Table containing all dates for the currently selected month." class="rcMainTable" id="RadCalendar1_Top">
                <span style="display: none;">May 2013</span>
                <tr class="rcWeek">
                    <th scope="col" class="rcViewSel">&nbsp;</th>
                    <th abbr="Sun" scope="col" title="Sunday" id="RadCalendar1_Top_cs_1">S</th>
                    <!-- || -->
                <tr class="rcRow">
                    <th scope="row" id="RadCalendar1_Top_rs_1">18</th>
                    <td title="Sunday, April 28, 2013" class="rcOtherMonth"><a href="#">28</a></td>
                    <!-- || -->
                <!-- || -->

The Native render mode

The Native render mode option is inherited directly from RenderMode which is a global property for Telerik controls. However, since RadCalendar does not have a similar html element, the Native render mode will not have any effect.