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The RenderDay client object represents a day in the calendar. It is available through the eventArgs of the OnDayRender, OnDateClick, OnDateSelected, and OnDateSelecting client-side events.
The following tables lists the most important properties and methods of the ASP NET AJAX Calendar object:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
get_date | none | Array (triplet) | returns the triplet for the day represented by the render day object. |
set_date | Array (triplet) | none | sets the date of the render day object to the date encoded by the triplet. |
get_isWeekend | none | boolean | returns true if the day falls on a weekend. |
get_isToday | none | boolean | returns true if the day has today's date. |
get_isSelected | none | boolean | returns true if the day is selected. |
get_isSelectable | none | boolean | returns true if the day can be selected. |
DayRow | none | integer | The zero-based index of the row of the calendar view in which the day appears. |
DayColumn | none | integer | The zero-based index of the column of the calendar view in which the day appears. |
RadCalendar | none | RadCalendar | The calendar that contains the day. |
RadCalendarView | none | RadCalendarView | The month view in which the day appears. |
DomElement | none | DOM element | The DOM element for the day cell. |
IsRecurring | none | integer | Indicates the recurrence patterns that include the day. The value is one of the following - 1: DayInMonth; 2: DayAndMonth; 4: Week; 8: WeekAndMonth; 16: Today; 32: None |
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
Click | none | none | simulates a mouse click on the day. |
Select | boolean | none | selects or un-selects the day. |