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DateTimeFormatInfo object
The DateTimeFormatInfo object is used by the ASP NET AJAX Calendar control for formatting date and time values so that they reflect the current culture. It is accessible through the DateTimeFormatInfo property of the RadCalendar Client-side Object.
The DateTimeFormatInfo class is defined in the System.Globalization namespace.
The following table lists the methods of the DateTimeFormatInfo object:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
FormatDate | Array (triplet), string | string | Formats a date, using the specified date and format string (see sample below). |
LeadZero | integer | string | Formats the integer, adding a leading zero if necessary so that the integer is a minimum of two digits. |
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnDateSelected(sender, e) {
var calendarDay = e.get_renderDay();
if (calendarDay.IsSelected) {
var selectedDate = calendarDay.get_date();
var calendar = $find("<%= RadCalendar1.ClientID %>");
var shortDatePattern = calendar.DateTimeFormatInfo.ShortDatePattern;
var formattedDate = calendar.DateTimeFormatInfo.FormatDate(selectedDate, shortDatePattern);
The following table lists the properties of the DateTimeFormatInfo object:
Property | type | Description |
AbbreviatedDayNames | Array | Lists the 3-letter abbreviations for the names of the days of the week, starting with the abbreviation for Sunday at element 0. |
DayNames | Array | Lists the names of the days of the week, starting with the name for Sunday at element 0. |
AbbreviatedMonthNames | Array | Lists the 3-letter abbreviations for the names of the months, starting with the abbreviation for January at element 0. |
MonthNames | Array | Lists the names of the months, starting with the name for January at element 0. |
AMDesignator | String | The string for the AM designator. |
PMDesignator | String | The string for the PM designator. |
DateSeparator | Character | The separator character that appears between parts of a date. |
TimeSeparator | Character | The separator character that appears between parts of a time value. |
FirstDayOfWeek | integer | The index of the first day of the week, where 0 indicates Sunday. |
FullDateTimePattern | String | The format string for the full date time pattern. |
LongDatePattern | String | The format string for the long date pattern. |
LongTimePattern | String | The format string for the long time pattern. |
MonthDayPattern | String | The format string for the month day pattern. |
ShortDatePattern | String | The format string for the short date pattern. |
ShortTimePattern | String | The format string for the short time pattern. |
YearMonthPattern | String | The format string for the year month pattern. |
SortableDateTimePattern | String | The format string for the sortable date time pattern. |
UniversalSortableDateTimePattern | String | The format string for the universal sortable date time pattern. |
RFC1123Pattern | String | The format string for the RFC 1123 pattern. |
Calendar | Object | A helper object for performing calculations about date and time values. |
CalendarWeekRule | integer | Used by the Calendar object to determine which week is the first week of the year. |