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CSS Skin Selectors
The following table lists significant CSS selectors and descriptions that apply to the ASP NET AJAX Calendar controls in RadCalendar style sheets.
The "[skin]" that appears in class names is a placeholder for the name of the skin.
Class Name | Element | Description |
.RadCalendar_[skin] | TABLE | The class for the table that lays out the entire RadCalendar control. |
.rcTitlebar | TD | The class for the table cell that contains the titlebar of a calendar. |
.rcTitle | TD | The class for the titlebar table cell that contains the current month/year. |
.rcFastPrev, .rcPrev, .rcNext, .rcFastNext | A | The class for the navigation buttons inside the titlebar. |
.rcMain | TD | The class for the table cell that wraps the main calendar area. |
.rcMainTable | TABLE | The class for the table that lays out the main calendar area. |
.rcWeek | TR | The class for the table row that contains the column headers (which are TH elements). |
.rcWeekend | TD | The class for selectable weekend days in the day matrix that are not selected, hovered, or belonging to a non-focused month. |
.rcHover | TD | The class for the cells in the day matrix when the mouse hovers over them or over a selector in the row or column headers. |
.rcSelected | TD | The class for selected dates in the day matrix. |
.rcToday | TD | The class for the cell in the day matrix that represents "today". |
.rcDisabled | TD | The class for cells in the day matrix that are disabled. |
.rcOtherMonth | TD | The class for cells in the day matrix that represent days in a month other than the focused month. |
.rcOutOfRange | TD | The class for cells in the day matrix that are earlier than the minimum selectable date or later than the maximum selectable date. |
.RadCalendarMonthView_[skin] | TABLE | The class for the month/year navigation popup. |
#rcMView_PrevY | A | The class for the "<<" button that scrolls the year values in the month/year navigation popup. |
#rcMView_NextY | A | The class for the ">>" button that scrolls the year values in the month/year navigation popup. |
#rcMView_Jan | A | The class for the January selector in the month/year navigation popup |
#rcMView_Feb | A | The class for the February selector in the month/year navigation popup |
#rcMView_Mar | A | The class for the March selector in the month/year navigation popup |
#rcMView_Apr | A | The class for the April selector in the month/year navigation popup |
#rcMView_May | A | The class for the May selector in the month/year navigation popup |
#rcMView_Jun | A | The class for the June selector in the month/year navigation popup |
#rcMView_Jul | A | The class for the July selector in the month/year navigation popup |
#rcMView_Aug | A | The class for the August selector in the month/year navigation popup |
#rcMView_Sep | A | The class for the September selector in the month/year navigation popup |
#rcMView_Oct | A | The class for the October selector in the month/year navigation popup |
#rcMView_Nov | A | The class for the November selector in the month/year navigation popup |
#rcMView_Dec | A | The class for the December selector in the month/year navigation popup |
.rcSelected | TD | The class for the selected month or year in the month/year navigation popup. |
.rcButtons | TABLE | The class for the cells at the bottom of the month/year navigation popup that contain the "Today", "Ok", and "Cancel" buttons. |
.RadCalendarTimeView_[skin] | TABLE | The class for the table that lays out the elements of a RadTimeView control. |
.rcHeader | TH | The class for the header of a RadTimeView control |
.rcFooter | TD | The class for the footer of a RadTimeView control |
.rcHover | TD | The class for a selectable time value when the mouse hovers over it in a RadTimeView control. |
.rcDisabled | TD | The class for a disabled time value in a RadTimeView control. |
.RadPicker_[skin] | DIV | The class for the top-level element of a RadDatePicker , RadTimePicker , or RadDateTimePicker control. |
.RadInput_[skin] | SPAN | The class for the input area in a RadDatePicker , RadTimePicker , or RadDateTimePicker control. This class is defined in the RadInput skin CSS files, but can appear, qualified by the .RadPicker_[skin] class in the Calendar skin CSS files. |
.rcCalPopup | A | The class for the DatePopupButton in a RadDatePicker or RadDateTimePicker control. |
.rcTimePopup | A | The class for the TimePopupButton in a RadTimePicker or RadDateTimePicker control. |