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Type:ToggleButton specific methods

FindToggleStateByTextFind a RadButton's ToggleState by the value of its Text property. Takes a single argument of type String that specifies the text of the ToggleState.
FindToggleStateByValueFinds a RadButton's ToggleState by the value of its Value property. Takes a single argument of type String that specifies the value of the ToggleState.
SetSelectedToggleStateByTextSets the selected state by provided text. If multiple ToggleStates have the same text, the first one will be selected. If a ToggleState with the provided text is not registered, the current ToggleState will not be changed. Takes a single argument of type String that specifies the text of the ToggleState to be selected.
SetSelectedToggleStateByValueSets the selected state by provided value. If multiple ToggleStates have equal value, the first one will be selected. If a ToggleState with the provided value is not registered, the current ToggleState will not be changed. Takes a single argument of type String that specifies the value of the ToggleState to be selected.