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This article lists the client-side events of the RadBreadcrumb and how to use them.

All events follow the MS AJAX client events convention and receive two arguments:

  1. sender - the RadBreadcrumb instance that raised the event.
  2. event arguments - event-specific data provided to the developer.

RadBreadcrumb is a wrapper over the Kendo UI Breadcrumb widget and so it exposes the client events and data it does. You can find a list below.

The event data is wrapped according to the MS AJAX conventions and the fields you can see in the underlying Kendo Widget are available through a method like get_<fieldName>() in the event arguments argument of the handler (that is, the second argument the event handler receives). To cancel a cancelable event, you must call its args.set_cancel(true); method.

The exceptions are the OnInitialize and OnLoad events that are specific to the MS AJAX framework.

Listing 1: The client-side events exposed by RadBreadcrumb

  • OnInitialize—Fired just before the RadBreadcrumb client-side object is initialized.

  • OnLoad—Fired when RadBreadcrumb is initialized.

  • OnClick—Fires when an item or a rootitem is clicked. (Cancelable event)

  • OnChange—Fires when the value of the Breadcrumb is changed.


Example 1: Store a reference to the client-side object through the OnLoad event

	var breadcrumb, kendoBreadcrumb;
	function OnLoad(sender, args) {
		breadcrumb = sender; //the RadBreadcrumb
		kendoBreadcrumb = sender.get_kendoWidget(); //the underlying Kendo Breadcrumb
<telerik:RadBreadcrumb runat="server" ID="RadBreadcrumb">
    <ClientEvents OnLoad="OnLoad" />

Example 2: Get the data associated with the clicked item

    function OnClick(sender, args) {
        // object of the clicked item 
        var itemElement = args.get_item();
        // the text of the clicked item
        var itemText = itemElement.text;
        // check if item type is Root
        var isRootItem = args.get_isRoot();
        if (isRootItem) console.log("RootItem: " + itemText);
        else console.log("Item: " + itemText);
<telerik:RadBreadcrumb runat="server" ID="RadBreadcrumb2">
    <ClientEvents OnClick="OnClick" />
        <telerik:BreadcrumbItem Type="RootItem" ShowText="true" Text="Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX" />
        <telerik:BreadcrumbItem Text="Controls" ShowIcon="true" Icon="folder-open" />
        <telerik:BreadcrumbItem Text="RadBreadcrumb" ShowIcon="true" Icon="folder-open" />
        <telerik:BreadcrumbItem Text="Overview" Icon="star" ShowIcon="true" />

Example 3: Get changed value of the breadcrumb:

    function OnChange(sender, args) {
        //log the value of the Breadcrumb after change
        var newValue = sender.get_value();
<telerik:RadBreadcrumb runat="server" ID="RadBreadcrumb1" Editable="true">
    <ClientEvents OnChange="OnChange" />
        <telerik:BreadcrumbItem Type="RootItem"/>
        <telerik:BreadcrumbItem Text="Item1" />
        <telerik:BreadcrumbItem Text="Item2" />
        <telerik:BreadcrumbItem Text="Item3" />

See live sample of handling the client events in our Client-side events demo

See Also

In this article
ExamplesSee Also
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