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Avatar specific properties to customize its border radius, size, color, etc.
Name | Return type | Description |
get_alt() | string | Gets the alt attribute value of the image |
get_border() | bool | Gets the border value |
get_className() | string | Gets the class name |
get_fillMode() | Telerik.Web.UI.RadAvatarFillMode | Gets the fill mode. |
get_icon() | string | Gets the icon name |
get_image() | string | Gets the image url |
get_rounded() | Telerik.Web.UI.RadAvatarRounded | Gets the rounded value. |
get_size() | Telerik.Web.UI.RadAvatarSize | Gets the size value. |
get_text() | string | Gets the text. |
get_themeColor() | Telerik.Web.UI.RadAvatarThemeColor | Gets the theme color value. |
get_type() | Telerik.Web.UI.RadAvatarType | Gets the type value. |
Name | Parameter | Description |
set_alt(option) | string | Sets the alt attribute value of the image |
set_border(option) | bool | Sets the border value |
set_className(option) | string | Sets the class name |
set_fillMode(option) | Telerik.Web.UI.RadAvatarFillMode | Sets the alt attribute value set for the |
set_icon(option) | string | Sets the icon name |
set_image(option) | string | Sets the image url |
set_rounded(option) | Telerik.Web.UI.RadAvatarRounded | Sets the border value. Use this option show/hide the border. |
set_size(option) | Telerik.Web.UI.RadAvatarSize | Sets the size value. Use this option to change the Avatar size. |
set_text(option) | string | Sets the alt attribute value set for the |
set_themeColor(option) | Telerik.Web.UI.RadAvatarThemeColor | Sets the theme color value. Change the theme color with this option. |
set_type(option) | Telerik.Web.UI.RadAvatarType | Sets the type value. Use this to change the Avatar type. |