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This help article describes the methods of RadAjaxControl and show examples how to use them.

RadAjaxManager and RadAjaxPanel both descend from RadAjaxControl,which introduces the following methods:

  • Alert - This method executes a JavaScript alert() on the client.Alert() takes a single string parameter for text to be displayed in the alert.
RadAjaxPanel1.Alert("Please save your changes.");
  • FocusControl - This method places focus on a specified control. FocusControl() takes a single parameter that can be the ID of the control to focus on or an object reference to the control to focus on.
  • GetAjaxEventReference - This method produces client side code that invokes the ajaxRequest() method.
//... returns "$find("RadAjaxPanel1").ajaxRequest("Button1");"
  • RaisePostBackEvent - This method triggers a server-sideAjaxRequest event and allows you to pass a single string parameter to the event. (Example1 ). AjaxRequest can also be triggered by the client-sideajaxRequest() function.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void RadAjaxPanel1_AjaxRequest(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.AjaxRequestEventArgs e)
	Label1.Text = e.Argument;
  • Redirect - This method navigates the browser to another web page. The method passes a single string parameter, which is the URL to navigate to.

See Also

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