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Represents a helper type exposing information about paging in Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeList .

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.UI.TreeListPagingManager


AllowPaging Boolean

Gets a boolean value which indicates whether paging is allowed in the RadTreeList control.

Count Int32

Gets an integer value which indicates the number of items in the current page.

CurrentPageIndex Int32

Gets an integer value which indicates the current page index of the RadTreeList control.

DataSourceCount Int32

Gets an integer value which indicates the total number of items in the resolved datasource of the control.

FirstIndexInPage Int32

Gets an integer value indicating the index of the current page's first item in the resolved datasource.

IsFirstPage Boolean

Gets a boolean value indicating whether the RadTreeList control is currently displaying its first page of items.

IsLastPage Boolean

Gets a boolean value indicating whether the RadTreeList control is currently displaying its last page.

IsPagingEnabled Boolean

Gets a boolean value indicating whether paging is enabled in the current RadTreeList instance.

LastIndexInPage Int32

Gets an integer value indicating the index of the current page's last item in the resolved datasource.

PageCount Int32

Gets an integer value indicating the number of pages in the current RadTreeList instance.

PageSize Int32

Gets an integer value which indicates the page size of the RadTreeList control.