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This Class gets and sets the SchedulerWebService Settings.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
  • Telerik.Web.UI.WebServiceSettings
  • Telerik.Web.UI.SchedulerWebServiceSettings


CreateRecurrenceExceptionMethod String

Gets or sets the method name to be called to create recurrence exceptions.


The method must be part of the web service specified through the Path property.

DeleteAppointmentMethod String

Gets or sets the method name to be called to delete appointments.


The method must be part of the web service specified through the Path property.

GetAppointmentsMethod String

Gets or sets the method name to be called to populate the appointments.


The method must be part of the web service specified through the Path property.

GetResourcesMethod String

Gets or sets the method name to be called to get the resources list.


The method must be part of the web service specified through the Path property.

InsertAppointmentMethod String

Gets or sets the method name to be called to insert appointments.


The method must be part of the web service specified through the Path property.

Method String

Gets or sets the method name to be called to populate items with ExpandMode set to WebService.


The method must be part of the web service specified through the Path property.

Method String

Gets or sets the method name to be called to populate items with ExpandMode set to WebService.


The method must be part of the web service specified through the Path property.

ODataSettings SchedulerODataSettings

Used to customize the OData binding settings.

Path String

Gets or sets the name of the web service to be used to populate items with ExpandMode set to WebService.

RemoveRecurrenceExceptionsMethod String

Gets or sets the method name to be called to remove the recurrence exceptions of a given appointment.


The method must be part of the web service specified through the Path property.

ResourcePopulationMode SchedulerResourcePopulationMode

Gets or sets the resource population mode to be used from RadScheduler.


Resources need to be populated from the server when using resource grouping. Doing so also reduces the client-side initialization time.

               This operation requires the WebPermission to be granted
               for the Web Service URL. This permission is not granted by default in Medium Trust.
               You can disable the population of the resources from the server and still use
               client-side rendering for grouped views. To do so you need to set the
               value to Manual and
               populate the resources from the OnInit method of the page.

UpdateAppointmentMethod String

Gets or sets the method name to be called to update appointments.


The method must be part of the web service specified through the Path property.

UpdateMode AppointmentUpdateMode

Gets or sets the update mode for Appointments in WebService scenarios.


Using Batch results in updating all appointments per single operation. On the other hand, Single mode updates only the appointment that was edited, hence reducing the bandwidth usage.

UseHttpGet Boolean

Gets or sets a boolean value