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Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.UI.SchedulerODataSettings


DataDescriptionField String

Gets or sets the data description field.

DataEndField String

Gets or sets the data end field.

DataKeyField String

Gets or sets the data key field.

DataModelID String

Gets or sets the initial container name field.

DataRecurrenceField String

Gets or sets the data recurrence field.

DataRecurrenceParentKeyField String

Gets or sets the data recurrence parent key field.

DataStartField String

Gets or sets the data start field.

DataSubjectField String

Gets or sets the data subject field.

ODataDataSourceID String

Gets or sets theGets or sets the id of the ODataDataSource control which has been used.

ResourceTypes ODataResourceTypeCollection

Collection of Resources to bind against.