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This partial class RibbonBarMenu that inherits RibbonBarMenuBaseItem.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • System.Web.UI.Control
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RibbonBarItem : IRibbonBarSubComponent
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RibbonBarClickableItem
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RibbonBarMenuBaseItem
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RibbonBarMenu : IXmlSerializable


DisabledImageUrl String

Gets or sets the small (or in Clip ImageRenderingMode both small and large) disabled image's URL of a certain item.


Use the DisabledImageUrl property to specify a custom image that will be used when the item has Size = RibbonBarItemSize.Small or RibbonBarItemSize.Medium, when in Dual mode and all sizes in Clip mode and at the same time disabled.

DisabledImageUrlLarge String

Gets or sets the large image's URL of a certain item for disabled state.


Use the DisabledImageUrlLarge property to specify a custom image that will be used when the item has Size = RibbonBarItemSize.Large and is disabled.

ImageAltText String

Gets or sets the rendered alt text of the item's image dom element.


Use the property to set the alt text for the item's image element, when needed for accessibility.

ImageRenderingMode RibbonBarImageRenderingMode

Gets/sets the Image Rendering Mode, localy for the item.


In case ImageRenderingMode is not explicitly set (meaning RibbonBar's ImageRenderingMode is Auto), it's considered as follows: - If ImageUrl is set and ImageUrlLarge is not set - the mode is Clip; - Any other case - Dual.

ImageUrl String

Gets or sets the small (or in Clip ImageRenderingMode both small and large) image's URL of a certain item.


Use the ImageUrl property to specify a custom image that will be used when the item has Size = RibbonBarItemSize.Small or RibbonBarItemSize.Medium, when in Dual mode and all sizes in Clip mode.

ImageUrlLarge String

Gets or sets the large image's URL of a certain item.


Use the ImageUrlLarge property to specify a custom image that will be used when the item has Size = RibbonBarItemSize.Large.

Items RibbonBarMenuItemCollection

Gets a RibbonBarMenuItemCollection object that contains the items of the Menu.


Use the Items property to access the items of the Menu. You can also use the Items property to manage the items. You can add, remove or modify items from the Items collection.

ItemType RibbonBarItemType

Gets the type of the RibbonBarItem. Usefull when iterating through the Items collection of RibbonBarGroup

ParentWebControl WebControl

Gets or sets the parent web control.

Size RibbonBarItemSize

Gets or sets the size of a certain item. This property is used to determine a combination of Text, ImageUrl and ImageUrlLarge which should be displayed at initial load of the RibbonBar for a specific item.


Use the Size property to specify the item's initial size: - For small icon - RibbonBarItemSize.Small; - For small icon with text - RibbonBarItemSize.Medium; - For large icon with text - RibbonBarItemSize.Large.

Text String

Gets or sets the text of a certain item.


Use the property to set the displayed text for an item.

ToolTip String

Gets or sets the tooltip of a certain item.


When the ToolTip value is empty, the default ASP ToolTip is displayed with the Text of the item as a value. When ToolTip is set, the enhanced RibbonBar tooltip is shown instead of the default one.



Searches the RibbonBarMenu for the first RibbonBarMenuItem which Value property is equal to the specified value.


value System.String

The Value to search for.


Telerik.Web.UI.RibbonBarMenuItem A RibbonBarMenuItem whose Value property is equal to the specifed value. If a button is not found, null (Nothing in Visual Basic) is returned.


Returns the Visible menu items.


System.Collections.Generic.IList1` All visible items in the Menu.


Reads the XML.


reader System.Xml.XmlReader

The reader.

