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Telerik RadTagCloud is a UI component for ASP.NET AJAX applications, which displays a panel (cloud) of commonly used or related keywords.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • System.Web.UI.Control
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataBoundControl
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RadDataBoundControl : IControl, IControlResolver, IFeatureGroup, IPostBackDataHandler, IScriptControl, ISkinnableControl
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RadTagCloud : INamingContainer, IPostBackEventHandler


_shouldRetrieveTextFromSource Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the GenerateTagsFromText method should be called.

AppendClientDataBoundItems Boolean

Specifies whether the TagCloud items created on the client-side should be cleared before data binding.

AppendDataBoundItems Boolean

Gets or sets a bool value that indicates whether tagCloud items are cleared before data binding.

AutoPostBack Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether a postback to the server automatically occurs when the user interacts with the control.


Setting this property to true will make Telerik RadTagCloud postback to the server on item click.

BaseSiteUrl String

Gets the web site's base url.

ClientDataSourceID String

Gets or sets ID of ClientDataSource control that is used for client side binding

ClientIDMode ClientIDMode

This property is overridden in order to support controls which implement INamingContainer. The default value is changed to "AutoID".

CssClassFormatString String

The CssClass property will now be used instead of the former Skin and will be modified in AddAttributesToRender()

DataNavigateUrlField String

Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the URL (NavigateUrl) content of the TagCloud items.

DataNavigateUrlFormatString String

Gets or sets the formatting string used to control how data bound to the NavigateUrl property of the TagCloud item is displayed.

DataTextField String

Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the text content of the TagCloud items.

DataTextFormatString String

Gets or sets the formatting string used to control how data bound to the Text property of the TagCloud item is displayed.

DataToolTipField String

Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the ToolTip content of the TagCloud items.

DataToolTipFormatString String

Gets or sets the formatting string used to control how data bound to the ToolTip property of the TagCloud item is displayed.

DataValueField String

Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the value content of the TagCloud items.

DataWeightField String

Gets or sets the field of the data source that provides the weight of the TagCloud items.

Distribution TagCloudDistribution

Gets or sets a value indicating how the font-size will be distributed among the different words. There is Linear and Logarithmic Distribution. (Use Telerik.Web.UI.TagCloudDistribution.Linear or Telerik.Web.UI.TagCloudDistribution.Logarithmic)

EnableAjaxSkinRendering String

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the skin CSS files during Ajax requests


If EnableAjaxSkinRendering is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand when adding/showing the control with Ajax.

EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the link to the embedded base stylesheet of the control or not.


If EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand.

EnableEmbeddedScripts Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render script references to the embedded scripts or not.


If EnableEmbeddedScripts is set to false you will have to register the needed Scripts files by hand.

EnableEmbeddedSkins String

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render links to the embedded skins or not.


If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false you will have to register the needed CSS files by hand.

EnableRippleEffect Boolean

Returns true if ripple effect should be added

IsSkinSet String

For internal use.

Items RadTagCloudItemCollection

Gets the collection of all TagCloud items currently present in the TagCloud.

ListOfSortedItems SortedList2`

Gets or sets a SortedList of items, which is used to more efficently sort the items by weight. The list is then used to calculate the MaxNumberOfItems, when TakeTopWeightedItems is specified to true.

MaxColor Color

Gets or sets the fore color to the most important (frequent) item.

MaxFontSize Unit

Gets or sets the font-size to the most important (frequent) item.

MaximalWeight Double

Holds the maximal Weight of all the TagCloud items. (Usually, this is the most frequent word.)

MaxNumberOfItems RadTagCloudItemCollection

Gets or sets the number of visible items in the cloud.


The default value is 0, which means the items will not be filtered.

MinColor Color

Gets or sets the fore color to the least important (frequent) item.

MinFontSize Unit

Gets or sets the font-size to the least important (frequent) item.

MinimalWeight Double

Holds the minimal Weight of all the TagCloud items. (Usually, this is the least frequent word.)

MinimalWeightAllowed Double

Gets or sets the minimal weight a TagCloud item could have. If the weight of the item is less than this value, the keyword will not appear in the cloud.


The default value is 0.0, which means the items will not be filtered.

ODataDataSourceID String

Gets or sets the ODataDataSource used for data binding.

OnClientDataBound String

Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that will be called when the Rotator is databound on the client-side.

OnClientItemClicked String

The name of the javascript function called after an item is clicked.

OnClientItemClicking String

The name of the javascript function called when an item is clicked.

OnClientItemDataBound String

Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function that will be called when an item is databound on the client-side.

OnClientItemsRequested String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the RadTagCloud items were just populated from web service.

OnClientItemsRequestFailed String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the operation for populating the RadTagCloud when loading has failed.

OnClientItemsRequesting String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called when the RadTagCloud items are about to be populated from web service. The event is cancellable

OnClientLoad String

The name of the javascript function when the control loads.

PostBackUrl String

The URL to post to when an item is clicked.

PunctuationCharacters String

Gets or sets the punctuation characters that will not be included in the TagCloud, when generated from text source. When none are specified, the Char.IsPunctuation(Char c) method is used to check whether a character is punctuation mark. The property should be used in conjuction with the following properties: Text.

PunctuationCharactersValid String

Gets or sets the punctuation characters that will be considered valid (i.e. they should be considered as a character of the word), if they appear between alphanumeric characters. For example the following words are valid, although they have punctuation characters: ASP.NET, web-site,, web.config

RegisterWithScriptManager Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to register with the ScriptManager control on the page.


If RegisterWithScriptManager is set to false the control can be rendered on the page using Web Services or normal callback requests/page methods.

RenderItemWeight Boolean

Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the item weight will be rendered. It is rendered right next to the item's text.

RenderMode RenderMode

Specifies the rendering mode of the control. Setting the mode to Lightweight will yield HTML 5/CSS 3 html and css. If the set value is Auto use ResolvedRenderMode to receive the actual RenderMode with respect to the user angent of the current request.


Lightweight rendering mode might change the outlook of the component in some older browsers that don't support CSS3/HTML5.

ResolvedRenderMode RenderMode

Returns resolved RenderMode should the original value was Auto

RuntimeSkin String

Gets the real skin name for the control user interface. If Skin is not set, returns "Default", otherwise returns Skin.

Skin String

Gets or sets the skin name for the control user interface.


If this property is not set, the control will render using the skin named "Default". If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false, the control will not render skin.

Sorting TagCloudSorting

Gets or sets a value indicating how the TagCloud items will be sorted. Possible values are alphabetic and weighted sorting in ascending/descending order.

TakeTopWeightedItems RadTagCloudItemCollection

Must be used with MaxNumberOfItems property. Gets or sets a bool value indicating whether the [MaxNumberOfItems] visible items will be the ones with the biggest weight, or the ones that occur first in the DataSource. The default value is false.

Target String

Gets or sets the target window or frame to display the new content when the TagCloud item is clicked.

Text String

Gets or sets text from which a weighted cloud will be generated. Most frequent words are more important.

TextFile String

Gets or sets the text (.TXT) file from which text will be retrieved to generate tags.

TextUrl String

Gets or sets the URL from which text will be retrieved to generate tags.

WebServiceSettings WebServiceSettings

Gets the settings for the web service used to populate items


Use the WebServiceSettings property to configure the web service used to populate items on demand. You must specify both Path and Method to fully describe the service.

In order to use the integrated support, the web service should have the following signature:

public class WebServiceName : WebService
	public TagCloudDataItem[] WebServiceMethodName(int itemIndex, int itemCount)
		List<TagCloudDataItem> result = new List<TagCloudDataItem>();
		TagCloudDataItem item; 
		for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
			item = new RadTagCloudItemData();
			item.accessKey = "";
			item.navigateUrl = "";
			item.tabIndex = "";
			item.text = "";
			item.toolTip = "";
			item.value = "";
			item.weight = 0;
		return result.ToArray();

WordsToExclude String[]

Gets or sets the array of words that will be excluded from the TagCloud, when the cloud is generated from a text source.



Use this from RenderContents of the inheritor




Binds the TagCloud to a IEnumerable data source


dataSource System.Collections.IEnumerable

IEnumerable data source




Calculates the color of a TagCloud item using Logarithmic or Linear distribution. The (fore) color is calculated based on the weight of the certain item.


coefficient System.Double

The Logarithmic or Linear coefficient used for the calculations.


System.Drawing.Color The calculated color of the TagCloud item.


Calculates the font size of a TagCloud item using Logarithmic or Linear distribution. The font-size is calculated based on the weight of the item.


coefficient System.Double

The Logarithmic or Linear coefficient used for the calculations.


System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit The calculated font size of the TagCloud item.


Finds the least and most important item (i.e. the item with max and min occurance).




Code moved into this method from OnPreRender to make sure it executed when the framework skips OnPreRender() for some reason




Returns a dictionary of <string,int> that represents the frequency of a given word in a text.


text System.String

The text from which word map (dictionary will be created.


System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2` The dictionary containing the word and the number of times it occurs in the text.


Should be used by inheritors




Checks whether a word should be excluded from a given text.


word System.String

The word to check.

wordsToEscape System.String

The list of words that should be excluded from a text.


System.Boolean The bool value that indicates whether the word is excluded or not.


Populates the Items collection of the current TagCloud, from a provided text. Every word is weighted based on its occurence in the text.


text System.String

The text from which a weighted cloud will be generated.




Returns the names of all embedded skins. Used by Telerik.Web.Examples.




Gets the fore color of the TagCloud item based on the ForeColor, MinColor and MaxColor properties.


coefficient System.Double

The coefficient needed to calculate the fore color of the item.


System.Drawing.Color The fore color of the item.


Calculates the coefficient when Linear distribution is used.


item Telerik.Web.UI.RadTagCloudItem

The TagCloud item for which the coefficient is calculated.


System.Double The coefficient of the TagCloud item.


Calculates the coefficient when Logarithmic distribution is used.


item Telerik.Web.UI.RadTagCloudItem

The TagCloud item for which the coefficient is calculated.


System.Double The coefficient of the TagCloud item.


Checks whether a given punctuation mark (i.e. an invalid character) is surronded by alpha numeric characters. If yes the character is considered a valid one and added to the word.


c System.Char

The character to check.

charPosition System.Int32

The 0-based index position of the character in the text.

text System.String

The text where the character occurs.


System.Boolean The bool value indicating whether the character is considered a valid one.


Checks whether a character is punctuation mark (i.e. ,.!?"'-).


c System.Char

The character to check.

invalidChars System.String

String of punctuation marks. If empty string is provided Char.IsPunctuation method is used to check for punctuation.


System.Boolean The bool value indicating whether a character is a punctutation mark.


Checks whether a given character is a valid character that should be included in a word.


c System.Char

The character to check.

invalidChars System.String

String of invalid characters. If empty string is provided the Char.IsPunctuation is used to check for validity.

charPosition System.Int32

The 0-based index position of the character in the given text.

text System.String

The text where the character occurs.

punctuationCharactersValid System.String

The string of the valid punctuation characters.


System.Boolean The bool value indicating whether a character is a valid one. Usually, letters and numbers are valid word characters.


Loads the client state data


clientState System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.Object}




Executed when post data is loaded from the request


postDataKey System.String

postCollection System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection




Executed when a TagCloud item is clicked.


item Telerik.Web.UI.RadTagCloudItem




Executed right after the item is databound to the data source.


item Telerik.Web.UI.RadTagCloudItem




Executed when post data changes should invoke a changed event




Reads a .TXT file and returns the text as a string. If the file does not exist, string.Empty is returned.


fileName System.String

The physical path to the file.


System.String The text from the file.


Reads an HTML document from the provided URL and returns the text as a string. If the URL does not exist, or the HTML document is not valid, a string.Empty is returned.


url System.String

The URL from which the text will be scanned and returned.


System.String The text, with stripped HTML tags, of the HTML document on the provided URL.


Registers the CSS references




Registers the control with the ScriptManager




Writes a default cloud of items at design-time.


writer System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter

The HTML text writer.




Saves the client state data




Skips an attribute in a given HTML text, and returns the 0-based index position of the closing attribute qoute.


text System.String

The HTML text containing the attribute.

character System.Char

The current charater in the text.

position System.Int32

The 0-based index position of the current character.


System.Int32 The 0-based index position of the closing qoute if the current character is the opening qoute. The same position is returned if the current character is not a valid opening qoute.


Skips script tags and returns the 0-based index position of the closing <script> tag.


text System.String

The HTML text containing the script tag.

character System.Char

The current character of the text.

position System.Int32

The 0-based index position of the current character of the text.

isScript System.Boolean

Bool value indicating whether the current character is within a <script> element.

textLength System.Int32

The length of the text.


System.Int32 The 0-based index position of the closing <script> tag. The current position is returned if the character is outside a script element.


Strips the HTML from a given text (containing an XHTML markup) and returns the inner text of the HTML elements. The text should be a vaild HTML. The method does not strip the CSS between opening and closing <style> tags, because it assumes that all the CSS occurs in the <head> tag, which is not searched for text by the TagCloud.


text System.String

The text containing the HTML to strip.

isFullHtmlDocument System.Boolean

The bool value that indicates whether the string passed is full Html document. When passing InnerHtml of an element set this value to false. The text within the <body> element is taken into consideration when this parameter is true.


System.String String containing the "clean" text. An empty string is returned if the text does not contain a <body> element.

In this article
Inheritance HierarchyProperties_shouldRetrieveTextFromSourceAppendClientDataBoundItemsAppendDataBoundItemsAutoPostBackBaseSiteUrlClientDataSourceIDClientIDModeCssClassFormatStringDataNavigateUrlFieldDataNavigateUrlFormatStringDataTextFieldDataTextFormatStringDataToolTipFieldDataToolTipFormatStringDataValueFieldDataWeightFieldDistributionEnableAjaxSkinRenderingEnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheetEnableEmbeddedScriptsEnableEmbeddedSkinsEnableRippleEffectIsSkinSetItemsListOfSortedItemsMaxColorMaxFontSizeMaximalWeightMaxNumberOfItemsMinColorMinFontSizeMinimalWeightMinimalWeightAllowedODataDataSourceIDOnClientDataBoundOnClientItemClickedOnClientItemClickingOnClientItemDataBoundOnClientItemsRequestedOnClientItemsRequestFailedOnClientItemsRequestingOnClientLoadPostBackUrlPunctuationCharactersPunctuationCharactersValidRegisterWithScriptManagerRenderItemWeightRenderModeResolvedRenderModeRuntimeSkinSkinSortingTakeTopWeightedItemsTargetTextTextFileTextUrlWebServiceSettingsWordsToExcludeMethodsApplyConditionalRenderingBindToEnumerableDataCalculateColorCalculateFontSizeCalculateImportanceControlPreRenderCreateWordMapDescribeRenderingModeExcludeWordGenerateTagsFromTextGetEmbeddedSkinNamesGetItemColorGetLinearCoefficientGetLogarithmicCoefficientIsCharSurroundedByAlphaNumericIsPunctuationIsValidCharacterLoadClientStateLoadPostDataOnItemClickOnItemDataBoundRaisePostDataChangedEventReadTextFromTextFileReadTextFromURLRegisterCssReferencesRegisterScriptControlRenderDefaultDesignerSaveClientStateSkipAttributeSkipScriptTagStripHtml
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