Represents a tab in the Telerik.Web.UI.RadTabStrip RadTabStripcontrol.
The Telerik.Web.UI.RadTabStrip RadTabStripcontrol is made up of tabs. Tabs which are immediate children of the tabstrip are root tabs. tabs which are children of root tabs are child tabs. A tab usually stores data in two properties, the P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadTab.Text Textproperty and the P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadTab.Value Valueproperty. The value of the P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadTab.Text Textproperty is displayed in the Telerik.Web.UI.RadTabStrip RadTabStripcontrol, and the P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadTab.Value Valueproperty is used to store additional data. To create tabs, use one of the following methods:bullet Use declarative syntax to define tabs inline in your page or user control. Use one of the constructors to dynamically create new instances of the Telerik.Web.UI.RadTab RadTabclass. These tabs can then be added to the Tabscollection of another tab or tabstrip. Data bind the Telerik.Web.UI.RadTabStrip RadTabStripcontrol to a data source. When the user clicks a tab, the Telerik.Web.UI.RadTabStrip RadTabStripcontrol can navigate to a linked Web page, post back to the server or select that tab. If the P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadTab.NavigateUrl NavigateUrlproperty of a tab is set, the RadTabStripcontrol navigates to the linked page. By default, a linked page is displayed in the same window or frame. To display the linked content in a different window or frame, use the P:Telerik.Web.UI.RadTab.Target Targetproperty.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- System.Web.UI.Control
- System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
- Telerik.Web.UI.ControlItem : IMarkableStateManager, INamingContainer, IStateManager, IXmlSerializable
- Telerik.Web.UI.NavigationItem : IControlItemContainer
- Telerik.Web.UI.RadTab : IRadTabContainer
AccessKey String
Gets or sets the access key that allows you to quickly navigate to the Web server control.
ChildGroupCssClass String
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied to the HTML element containing the child tabs.
Tabs are rendered as LI (list item) HTML elements inside a UL (unordered list). The CSS class specified by the ChildGroupCssClass property is applied to the UL tag.
DataItem Object
Gets the data item that is bound to the tab
This property is applicable only during data binding. Use it along with the TabDataBound event to perform additional mapping of fields from the data item to RadTab properties.
DisabledCssClass String
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the tab is disabled.
By default the visual appearance of disabled tabs is defined in the skin CSS file. You can use the DisabledCssClass property to specify unique appearance for the tab when it is disabled.
DisabledImageUrl String
Gets or sets the URL to an image which is displayed when the tab is disabled (its Enabled property is set to false).
Use the DisabledImageUrl property to specify a custom image that will be displayed when the current tab is disabled. Setting the DisabledImageUrl property required the ImageUrl property to be set beforehand.
If the DisabledImageUrl property is not set the value of the ImageUrl
will be used instead.
HoveredCssClass String
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the tab is hovered with the mouse.
By default the visual appearance of hovered tabs is defined in the skin CSS file. You can use the HoveredCssClass property to specify unique appearance for the tab when it is hovered.
HoveredImageUrl String
Gets or sets the URL to an image which is displayed when the user hovers the current tab with the mouse.
Use the HoveredImageUrl property to specify a custom image that will be displayed when the user hovers the tab with the mouse. Setting the HoveredImageUrl property required the ImageUrl property to be set beforehand.
If the HoveredImageUrl property is not set the value of the ImageUrl
will be used instead.
ID String
The ID property is reserved for internal use. Please use the Value property or use the Attributes collection if you need to assign custom data to the item.
ImageUrl String
Gets or sets the URL to an image which is displayed next to the text of a tab.
Use the ImageUrl property to specify a custom image that will be displayed before the text of the current tab.
Index Int32
Gets the zero based index of the item.
IsBreak Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether next tab will be displayed on a new line.
Use the IsBreak property to create multi-row tabstrip. All tabs after the "break" tab will be displayed on a new line.
IsSeparator Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tab will behave as separator.
Use separators to visually separate the tabs. You also need to specify the width of the separator tab through the Width property.
Level Int32
Gets the level of the current tab.
NavigateUrl String
Gets or sets the URL to navigate to when the current tab is clicked.
By default clicking a tab will select it. If the tab has any child tabs they will be displayed. To make a tab navigate to some designated URL you can use the NavigateUrl property. You can optionally set the Target property to specify the window or frame in which to display the linked content.
Setting the NavigateUrl property will disable tab selection and as a result the
TabClick event won't be raised for the current tab.
OuterCssClass String
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied on the outmost tab element (
You can use the OuterCssClass property to specify unique appearance for the tab, or to insert elements that are before/after the link element.
Owner IRadTabContainer
Gets the IRadTabContainer instance which contains the current tab.
The value is of the IRadTabContainer type which is implemented by the RadTabStrip class and the RadTab class. Use the Owner property when recursively traversing tabs in the RadTabStrip control.
PageView RadPageView
Gets the RadPageView activated when the tab is selected.
PageViewID String
Gets or sets the ID of the RadPageView in a RadMultiPage that will be switched when the tab is selected.
This property overrides the default relation between the page views within a RadMultiPage and the tabs in a RadTabStrip. By default a tab activates the page view with the same index.
PerTabScrolling Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tabstrip should scroll directly to the next tab.
By default tabs are scrolled smoothly. If you want the tabstrip to scroll directly to the next (or previous) tab set this property to true. This property is applicable when the ScrollChildren property is set to true; otherwise it is ignored.
PostBack Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether clicking on the tab will postback.
If you subscribe to the TabClick event all tabs will postback. To prevent the current tab from initiating postback you can set the PostBack property to false.
ScrollButtonsPosition TabStripScrollButtonsPosition
The position of the scroll buttons with regards to the tab band.
This property is applicable when the ScrollChildren property is set to true; otherwise it is ignored.
ScrollChildren Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the children of the tab will be scrollable.
To enable scrolling of the child tabs the ScrollChildren property must also be set to true.
ScrollPosition Int32
Gets or sets the position of the scrollable band of tabs relative to the beginning of the scrolling area.
This property is applicable when the ScrollChildren property is set to true; otherwise it is ignored.
Selected Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tab is selected.
Use the Selected property to determine whether the tab is currently selected within its parent RadTabCollection. Setting the Selected property to true will deselect the previously selected tab.
SelectedCssClass Boolean
Gets or sets the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) class applied when the tab is selected.
By default the visual appearance of selected tabs is defined in the skin CSS file. You can use the SelectedCssClass property to specify unique appearance for the current tab when it is selected.
SelectedImageUrl Boolean
Gets or sets the URL to an image which is displayed when the tab is selected.
Use the SelectedImageUrl property to specify a custom image that will be displayed when the current tab is selected. Setting the SelectedImageUrl property required the ImageUrl property to be set beforehand.
If the SelectedImageUrl property is not set the value of the ImageUrl
will be used instead.
SelectedIndex Boolean
Gets or sets the index of the selected child tab.
Use the SelectedIndex property to programmatically specify the selected child tab in a IRadTabContainer (RadTabStrip or RadTab). To clear the selection set the SelectedIndex property to -1.
SelectedTab Boolean
Gets the selected child tab.
Tabs RadTabCollection
Gets a RadTabCollection object that contains the child tabs of the current tab.
Use the Tabs property to access the child tabs of the current tab. You can also use the Tabs property to manage the children of the current tab. You can add, remove or modify tabs from the Tabs collection.
TabStrip RadTabStrip
Gets the RadTabStrip instance which contains the current tab.
TabTemplate ITemplate
Gets or sets the template for displaying the tab.
Target String
Gets or sets the target window or frame in which to display the Web page content associated with the current tab.
Use the Target property to target window or frame in which to display the Web page content associated with the current tab. The Web page is specified by the NavigateUrl property.
If this property is not set, the Web page specified by the
NavigateUrl property is loaded in the current window.
The Target property is taken into consideration only when the NavigateUrl
property is set.
Text String
Gets or sets the text displayed for the current tab.
Use the Text property to specify or determine the text that is displayed for the tab in the RadTabStrip control.
Value String
Gets or sets custom (user-defined) data associated with the current tab.
Use the Value property to associate custom data with a RadTab object.
Returns true if the control is rendered by the ControlItem itself; false if it was added by the user to the Controls collection.
Renders the HTML closing tag of the control into the specified writer. This method is used primarily by control developers.
writer System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter
A that represents the output stream to render HTML content on the client.
Selects recursively all parent tabs in the hierarchy.
Use this method to programmatically select all parents of the tab. Selected tabs will be visible in the browser.