RadRatingItem class.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
- Telerik.Web.UI.RadRatingItem
CssClass String
Gets or sets the CSS class of the rating item.
HoveredImageUrl String
Gets or sets the path to an image to display for the item when it is hovered.
Use the HoveredImageUrl property to specify the image for the item when it is hovered. If the HoveredImageUrl property is set to empty string, the item will display the HoveredSelectedImageUrl image. Use "~" (tilde) when referring to images within the current ASP.NET application.
HoveredSelectedImageUrl String
Gets or sets the path to an image to display for the selected item when it is hovered.
Use the HoveredSelectedImageUrl property to specify the image for the selected item when it is hovered. If the HoveredSelectedImageUrl property is set to empty string, the item will display the SelectedImageUrl image. Use "~" (tilde) when referring to images within the current ASP.NET application.
ImageUrl String
Gets or sets the path to an image to display for the item.
Use the ImageUrl property to specify the image for the item. If the ImageUrl property is set to empty string, the item will render the image, defined in the Skin of the rating control. Use "~" (tilde) when referring to images within the current ASP.NET application.
Index Int32
Gets the index of the rating item in the Items collection of the rating control.
SelectedImageUrl String
Gets or sets the path to an image to display for the item when it is selected.
Use the SelectedImageUrl property to specify the image for the item when it is selected. If the SelectedImageUrl property is set to empty string, the item will display the ImageUrl image. Use "~" (tilde) when referring to images within the current ASP.NET application.
ToolTip String
Gets or sets the tooltip of the rating item.
Value Decimal
Gets or sets the value of the rating item.