RadMonthYearPicker class
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- System.Web.UI.Control
- System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
- Telerik.Web.UI.RadWebControl : IControl, IControlResolver, IPostBackDataHandler, IScriptControl, ISkinnableControl
- Telerik.Web.UI.Calendar.Persistence.PropertiesControl : IStateManager
- Telerik.Web.UI.RadMonthYearPicker : INamingContainer, IPostBackEventHandler
AutoPostBack Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a postback to the server automatically occurs when the user interacts with the control.
Setting this property to true will make RadMonthYearPicker postback to the server on date selection through the MonthYearView or the DateInput components.
ClientEvents MonthYearPickerClientEvents
Gets a set of properties that get or set the names of the JavaScript functions that are invoked upon specific client-side events.
ClientIDMode ClientIDMode
This property is overridden in order to support controls which implement INamingContainer. The default value is changed to "AutoID".
ControlId String
The client-side id of the inner input element used for intergation with RadLabel
CssClassFormatString String
The CssClass property will now be used instead of the former Skin and will be modified in AddAttributesToRender()
Culture CultureInfo
Gets or sets the culture used by RadMonthYearPicker to format the date.
DateInput RadDateInput
Gets the RadDateInput instance of the RadMonthYearPicker control.
DatePopupButton MonthYearPopupButton
Gets the DatePopupButton instance of the RadMonthYearPicker control. You can use the object to customize the popup button's appearance and behavior.
DbSelectedDate Nullable
Gets or sets the date content of RadMonthYearPicker in a database friendly way.
This property behaves exactly like the SelectedDate property. The only difference is that it will not throw an exception if the new value is null or DBNull. Setting a null value will internally revert the SelectedDate to the null value, i.e. the input value will be empty.
EnableAjaxSkinRendering String
Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the skin CSS files during Ajax requests
If EnableAjaxSkinRendering is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand when adding/showing the control with Ajax.
EnableAriaSupport Boolean
When set to true enables support for WAI-ARIA
Enabled Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Web server control is enabled.
EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet Boolean
Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the link to the embedded base stylesheet of the control or not.
If EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand.
EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet Boolean
Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the link to the embedded base stylesheet of the control or not.
If EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand.
EnableEmbeddedScripts Boolean
Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render script references to the embedded scripts or not.
If EnableEmbeddedScripts is set to false you will have to register the needed Scripts files by hand.
EnableEmbeddedScripts Boolean
Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render script references to the embedded scripts or not.
If EnableEmbeddedScripts is set to false you will have to register the needed Scripts files by hand.
EnableEmbeddedSkins String
Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render links to the embedded skins or not.
If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false you will have to register the needed CSS files by hand.
EnableEmbeddedSkins String
Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render links to the embedded skins or not.
If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false you will have to register the needed CSS files by hand.
EnableKeyboardNavigation Boolean
Gets or sets the enable client side navigation with keyboard.
EnableRippleEffect Boolean
Returns true if ripple effect should be added
EnableShadows Boolean
Gets or sets whether popup shadows will appear.
EnableTyping Boolean
Enables or disables typing in the date input box.
FastNavigationStyle TableItemStyle
Gets the style properties for the Month/Year fast navigation.
FocusedDate DateTime
Gets or sets the MonthYearView uses this date to focus itself whenever the date input component of the RadMonthYearPicker is empty.
HiddenInputTitleAttibute String
Gets or sets the title attribute for the hidden field.
HideAnimation CalendarAnimationSettings
Gets the settings associated with hiding the its popup controls.
ImagesPath String
Gets or sets default path for the grid images when EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false.
InvalidTextBoxValue String
Gets the invalid date string in the control's textbox
IsDesignMode Boolean
Returns whether RadCalendar is currently in design mode.
IsEmpty Boolean
Used to determine if RadMonthYearPicker is empty.
IsSkinSet String
For internal use.
LocalizationPath MonthYearPickerStrings
Gets or sets a value indicating where RadMonthYearPicker will look for its .resx localization file. By default this file should be in the App_GlobalResources folder. However, if you cannot put the resource file in the default location or .resx files compilation is disabled for some reason (e.g. in a DotNetNuke environment), this property should be set to the location of the resource file.
If specified, the LocalizationPath property will allow you to load the grid localization file from any location in the web application.
MaxDate DateTime
Gets or sets the latest valid date for selection. Selecting a date later than that will not be allowed.
This property has a default value of 12/31/2099
MinDate DateTime
Gets or sets the minimal range date for selection. Selecting a date earlier than that will not be allowed.
This property has a default value of 1/1/1980
MonthCellsStyle TableItemStyle
Gets the style applied to month cells.
MonthYearNavigationSettings MonthYearNavigationSettings
Gets the subproperties can be used to modify the fast Month/Year navigation popup settings.
MonthYearTableView MonthYearView
Gets the MonthYearView instance of the MonthYearPicker control.
Overlay Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the picker will create an overlay element to ensure popups are over a flash element or Java applet.
PopupDirection DatePickerPopupDirection
Gets or sets the direction in which the popup MonthYearView is displayed, with relation to the RadMonthYearPicker control.
RangeMaxDate DateTime
Gets or sets the maximum date valid for selection by Telerik RadMonthYearPicker. Must be interpreted as the Higher bound of the valid dates range available for selection. Telerik RadMonthYearPicker will not allow navigation or selection past this date.
This property has a default value of 12/30/2099 (Gregorian calendar date).
RegisterWithScriptManager Boolean
Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to register with the ScriptManager control on the page.
If RegisterWithScriptManager is set to false the control can be rendered on the page using Web Services or normal callback requests/page methods.
RegisterWithScriptManager Boolean
Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to register with the ScriptManager control on the page.
If RegisterWithScriptManager is set to false the control can be rendered on the page using Web Services or normal callback requests/page methods.
RenderMode RenderMode
Sets the render mode of the RadDatePicker and its child controls
RenderMode RenderMode
Specifies the rendering mode of the control. Setting the mode to Lightweight will yield HTML 5/CSS 3 html and css.
Lightweight rendering mode might change the outlook of the component in some older browsers that don't support CSS3/HTML5.
ResolvedRenderMode RenderMode
Returns resolved RenderMode should the original value was Auto
RuntimeSkin String
Gets the real skin name for the control user interface. If Skin is not set, returns "Default", otherwise returns Skin.
SelectedDate Nullable
Gets or sets the date content of RadMonthYearPicker.
ShowAnimation CalendarAnimationSettings
Gets the settings associated with showing the its popup controls.
ShowPopupOnFocus Boolean
Gets or sets whether the popup control is displayed when the DateInput textbox is focused.
Skin String
Gets or sets the skin name for the control user interface.
If this property is not set, the control will render using the skin named "Default". If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false, the control will not render skin.
Skin String
Gets or sets the skin name for the control user interface.
If this property is not set, the control will render using the skin named "Default". If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false, the control will not render skin.
TabIndex Int16
Gets or sets the tab index of the Web server control.
ValidationDate String
This property is used by the RadDateInput's internals only. It is subject to change in the future versions. Please do not use.
Width Unit
Gets or sets the width of the RadMonthYearPicker in pixels.
WrapperTableCaption String
Gets or sets the caption for the table which wraps the RadMonthYearPicker controls.
Setting this property to empty string will force Telerik RadMonthYearPicker to not render caption tag.
WrapperTableSummary String
Gets or sets summary attribute for the table which wraps the RadMonthYearPicker controls.
Setting this property to empty string will force Telerik RadMonthYearPicker to not render summary tag.
YearCellsStyle TableItemStyle
Gets the style applied to year cells.
ZIndex Int32
Gets or sets the z-index style of the control's popups
Use this from RenderContents of the inheritor
Clears the selected date of the RadMonthYearPicker control and displays a blank date.
Override this method to provide any last minute configuration changes. Make sure you call the base implementation.
Code moved into this method from OnPreRender to make sure it executed when the framework skips OnPreRender() for some reason
Sets input focus to a control.
Returns the names of all embedded skins. Used by Telerik.Web.Examples.
Loads the client state data
clientState System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.Object}
Executed when post data is loaded from the request
postDataKey System.String
postCollection System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
Executed when post data changes should invoke a changed event
Registers the CSS references
Registers the control with the ScriptManager
Saves the client state data