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This Class defines the RadDropDownList.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • System.Web.UI.Control
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataBoundControl
  • System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RadDataBoundControl : IControl, IControlResolver, IFeatureGroup, IPostBackDataHandler, IScriptControl, ISkinnableControl
  • Telerik.Web.UI.RadDropDownTree : INamingContainer, IPostBackEventHandler


AutoPostBack Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether a postback to the server automatically occurs when the user changes the RadDropDownTree selection.

ButtonSettings DropDownTreeButtonSettings

Used to customize the appearance of the buttons displayed by RadDropDownTree.

CheckBoxes DropDownTreeCheckBoxes

Get or sets the CheckBox state of the RadDropDownTree.

CheckNodeOnClick Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the DropDownNodes expands on single click.

ClientDataSourceID String

Gets or sets ID of ClientDataSource control that is used for client side binding

ClientIDMode ClientIDMode

This property is overridden in order to support controls which implement INamingContainer. The default value is changed to "AutoID".

ClientNodeTemplate String

Gets or sets the HTML template of a DropDownNode when added on the client.

CollapseAnimation AnimationSettings

Gets the settings for the animation played when the dropdown closes.


Use the CollapseAnimation property to customize the expand animation of RadDropDownTree. You can specify the Type and Duration. To disable collapse animation effects you should set the Type to AnimationType.None. To customize the expand animation you can use the ExpandAnimation property.

Controls ControlCollection

Gets a object that represents the child controls for a specified server control in the UI hierarchy.

CssClassFormatString String

The CssClass property will now be used instead of the former Skin and will be modified in AddAttributesToRender()

Culture CultureInfo

Gets or sets the selected culture. Localization strings will be loaded based on this value.

DataBindings List1`

Gets the settings the data binding setting for the RadDropDownTree.


The following property is used in WebService scenarios.

DataFieldID String

Gets or sets the data field holding the unique identifier for a DropDownTreeNode.

DataFieldParentID String

Gets or sets the data field holding the ID of the parent DropDownTreeNode.

DataTextField String

Gets or sets the data field holding the Text property for the currently bound DropDownTreeNode.

DataValueField String

Gets or sets the data field holding the Value property for the currently bound DropDownTreeNode.

DefaultMessage String

Gets or sets a value indicating what message will be displayed then the control is empty (no entries selected).

DefaultValue String

Gets or sets the default value of the control used for validation.

Gets or sets the template for displaying all DropDownTreeNode in the current tree.

Gets the DropDown settings.

EmbeddedTree RadTreeView

Gets a reference to the embedded tree


RadTreeView control is integrated in the RadDropDownTree.

EnableAjaxSkinRendering String

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the skin CSS files during Ajax requests


If EnableAjaxSkinRendering is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand when adding/showing the control with Ajax.

EnableDirectionDetection Boolean

Determines whether the Direction Detection is enabled or not.

EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render the link to the embedded base stylesheet of the control or not.


If EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet is set to false you will have to register the needed control base CSS file by hand.

EnableEmbeddedScripts Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render script references to the embedded scripts or not.


If EnableEmbeddedScripts is set to false you will have to register the needed Scripts files by hand.

EnableEmbeddedSkins String

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to render links to the embedded skins or not.


If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false you will have to register the needed CSS files by hand.

EnableEntryTextHtmlEncoding Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether RadDropDownTree should HTML encode the text of the entries.

EnableFiltering Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control filtering is enabled.

EnableRippleEffect Boolean

Returns true if ripple effect should be added

EnableScreenBoundaryDetection Boolean

Determines whether the Screen Boundaries Detection is enabled or not.

Entries DropDownTreeEntryCollection

Gets the RadDropDownTree entries collection.

EntriesDelimiter DropDownTreeEntryCollection

Gets or sets a value indicating the delimiter between entries.

ExpandAnimation AnimationSettings

Gets the settings for the animation played when the dropdown opens.


Use the ExpandAnimation property to customize the expand animation of RadDropDownTree. You can specify the Type and Duration. To disable expand animation effects you should set the Type to AnimationType.None. To customize the collapse animation you can use the CollapseAnimation property.

ExpandNodeOnSingleClick Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the DropDownNodes expands on single click.

FilterSettings DropDownTreeFilterSettings

Used to customize filtering of the RadDropDownTree.

Get a footer of RadDropDownTree.

FooterTemplate ITemplate

Gets or sets the that defines the footer template.

FullPathDelimiter String

Gets or sets a value indicating the delimiter in FullPath text mode.

Header WebControl

Get a header of RadDropDownTree.

HeaderTemplate ITemplate

Gets or sets the that defines the header template.

IsSkinSet String

For internal use.

Localization DropDownTreeButtons

Gets the localization.

LocalizationPath String

Gets or sets a value indicating where RadDropDownTree will look for its .resx localization files.

ODataDataSourceID String

Gets or sets the ODataDataSource used for data binding.

ODataDataSourceID String

Gets or sets the ODataDataSource used for data binding.

OnClientClearButtonClicked String

Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function called on clear button clicked

OnClientClearButtonClicking String

Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function called on clear button clicking

OnClientDropDownClosed String

The client-side event that is fired after the dropdown of the DropDownTree is closed.


The event handler receives two parameter: the instance of the DropDownTree client-side object and event args. The event can not be cancelled

OnClientDropDownClosing String

The client-side event that is fired before the dropdown of the DropDownTree is closed.


The event handler receives two parameter: the instance of the DropDownTree client-side object and event args. The event can be cancelled - simply set args.set_cancel to true args.set_cancel(true); from the event handler and the DropDownTree dropdown will not be closed.

OnClientDropDownOpened String

The client-side event that is fired after the dropdown of the DropDownTree is opened.


The event handler receives two parameter: the instance of the DropDownTree client-side object and event args. The event cannot be cancelled.

OnClientDropDownOpening String

The client-side event that is fired before the dropdown of the DropDownTree is opened.


The event handler receives two parameter: the instance of the DropDownTree client-side object and event args. The event can be cancelled - simply set args.set_cancel to true args.set_cancel(true); from the event handler and the DropDownTree dropdown will not be opened.

OnClientEntryAdded String

Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function called after an entry has been added

OnClientEntryAdding String

Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function called when an entry is about to be added

OnClientEntryRemoved String

Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function called after an entry has been removed

OnClientEntryRemoving String

Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function called when an entry is about to be removed

OnClientLoad String

Gets or sets a value indicating the client-side event handler that is called after the RadDropDownTree client-side object is initialized.


If specified, the OnClienLoad client-side event handler is called after the DropDownTree is fully initialized on the client.A single parameter - the dropdowntree client object - is passed to the handler.This event cannot be cancelled.

RegisterWithScriptManager Boolean

Gets or sets the value, indicating whether to register with the ScriptManager control on the page.


If RegisterWithScriptManager is set to false the control can be rendered on the page using Web Services or normal callback requests/page methods.

RenderMode RenderMode

Specifies the rendering mode of the control. Setting the mode to Lightweight will yield HTML 5/CSS 3 html and css. If the set value is Auto use ResolvedRenderMode to receive the actual RenderMode with respect to the user angent of the current request.


Lightweight rendering mode might change the outlook of the component in some older browsers that don't support CSS3/HTML5.

ResolvedRenderMode RenderMode

Returns resolved RenderMode should the original value was Auto

RuntimeSkin String

Gets the real skin name for the control user interface. If Skin is not set, returns "Default", otherwise returns Skin.

SelectedText String

Gets the entries text with the appropriate delimiter.

SelectedValue String

Gets the entries values in comma separated list.

Skin String

Gets or sets the skin name for the control user interface.


If this property is not set, the control will render using the skin named "Default". If EnableEmbeddedSkins is set to false, the control will not render skin.

SupportsDisabledAttribute Boolean

For internal use.

TextMode DropDownTreeTextMode

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the entry should show the its full path in the entry area.

UniqueID String

Gets the unique, hierarchically qualified identifier for the server control.

WebServiceSettings WebServiceSettings

Gets the settings for the web service used to populate nodes when ExpandMode set to WebService.



Use this from RenderContents of the inheritor




Code moved into this method from OnPreRender to make sure it executed when the framework skips OnPreRender() for some reason




Bind the RadDropDownTree control.




Should be used by inheritors




Expands all of the DropDownNodes.




Returns the names of all embedded skins. Used by Telerik.Web.Examples.




Loads the client state data


clientState System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.Object}




Executed when post data is loaded from the request


postDataKey System.String

postCollection System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection




Executed when post data changes should invoke a changed event




Registers the CSS references




Registers the control with the ScriptManager




Saves the client state data




Synchronize the nodes and the entries collection.


The method is used in cases when some nodes are checked manually.



In this article
Inheritance HierarchyPropertiesAutoPostBack BooleanButtonSettings DropDownTreeButtonSettingsCheckBoxes DropDownTreeCheckBoxesCheckNodeOnClick BooleanClientDataSourceID StringClientIDMode ClientIDModeClientNodeTemplate StringCollapseAnimation AnimationSettingsControls ControlCollectionCssClassFormatString StringCulture CultureInfoDataBindings List 1`DataFieldID StringDataFieldParentID StringDataTextField StringDataValueField StringDefaultMessage StringDefaultValue StringDropDownNodeTemplate ITemplateDropDownSettings DropDownSettingsEmbeddedTree RadTreeViewEnableAjaxSkinRendering StringEnableDirectionDetection BooleanEnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet BooleanEnableEmbeddedScripts BooleanEnableEmbeddedSkins StringEnableEntryTextHtmlEncoding BooleanEnableFiltering BooleanEnableRippleEffect BooleanEnableScreenBoundaryDetection BooleanEntries DropDownTreeEntryCollectionEntriesDelimiter DropDownTreeEntryCollectionExpandAnimation AnimationSettingsExpandNodeOnSingleClick BooleanFilterSettings DropDownTreeFilterSettingsFooter WebControlFooterTemplate ITemplateFullPathDelimiter StringHeader WebControlHeaderTemplate ITemplateIsSkinSet StringLocalization DropDownTreeButtonsLocalizationPath StringODataDataSourceID StringODataDataSourceID StringOnClientClearButtonClicked StringOnClientClearButtonClicking StringOnClientDropDownClosed StringOnClientDropDownClosing StringOnClientDropDownOpened StringOnClientDropDownOpening StringOnClientEntryAdded StringOnClientEntryAdding StringOnClientEntryRemoved StringOnClientEntryRemoving StringOnClientLoad StringRegisterWithScriptManager BooleanRenderMode RenderModeResolvedRenderMode RenderModeRuntimeSkin StringSelectedText StringSelectedValue StringSkin StringSupportsDisabledAttribute BooleanTextMode DropDownTreeTextModeUniqueID StringWebServiceSettings WebServiceSettingsMethodsApplyConditionalRenderingControlPreRenderDataBindDescribeRenderingModeExpandAllDropDownNodesGetEmbeddedSkinNamesLoadClientStateLoadPostDataRaisePostDataChangedEventRegisterCssReferencesRegisterScriptControlSaveClientStateSyncEmbeddedTree
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