The RadColorPickerLocalizationclass defines the localization strings for the RadColorPicker.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
- Telerik.Web.UI.RadColorPickerLocalization
ApplyButtonText String
Gets or sets the text for the 'Apply' button.
BlankColorText String
Gets ot sets the title of the icon when no color is selected.
CancelButtonText String
Gets or sets the text for 'Cancel' button.
CurrentColorText String
Gets or sets the text in the icon.
CustomColor String
Gets or sets the text for the Custom Color icon tooltip.
HexInputTitle String
Gets or sets the text for the color hexadecimal code input.
HSBSliderDragText String
Gets or sets the text for the drag handle of the HSB Slider.
HSBTabText String
Gets or sets the text for the tab of the HSB palette mode.
HSVSliderDragText String
Gets or sets the text for the drag handle of the HSV Slider.
HSVTabText String
Gets or sets the text for the tab of the HSV palette mode.
NoColorText String
Gets or sets the text for the no color box.
OkButtonText String
Gets or sets the text for 'OK' button.
PickColorText String
Gets or sets the tooltip of the icon.
RecentColors String
Gets or sets the text for the Recent Colors label.
RGBSlidersDecreaseText String
Gets or sets the text for the decrease handle of the RGB Slider. (This property is added for complete localization of the slider control. By default it is not used.)
RGBSlidersDragText String
Gets or sets the text for the drag handle of the RGB Slider.
RGBSlidersIncreaseText String
Gets or sets the text for the increase handle of the RGB Slider. (This property is added for complete localization of the slider control. By default it is not used.)
RGBSlidersTabText String
Gets or sets the text for the tab of the RGB Sliders palette mode.
WebPaletteTabText String
Gets or sets the text for the tab of the Web Palette mode.