A PivotGridField is the main logic unit that relates the content of the pivot grid to fields in the DataSource.The PivotGridFielddefines the properties and methods that are common to all field types in RadPivotGrid.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
- Telerik.Web.UI.PivotGridField : IComparable, IDisposable, INamingContainer
Caption String
Gets or sets the field's display caption.
CellStyle Style
Style of the cells in the the grid, corresponding to the field.
DataField String
Gets or sets the field name from the specified data source to bind to the PivotGridField.
DataFormatString String
Gets or sets the string that specifies the display format for all cells which belongs to this field.
IsHidden Boolean
Gets or sets if the field will be hidden which exlude it from the pivot table calculations.
RenderingControl PivotGridFieldRenderingControl
Gets or sets a referance of the PivotGridFieldRenderingControl that allow you to control how the field is rendered.
SortOrder PivotGridSortOrder
Gets or sets a referance instance of the PivotGridSortOrder enum.
TotalFormatString String
Gets or sets the string that specifies the display format for all total cells which belongs to this field.
UniqueName String
Each column in Telerik RadPivotGrid has an UniqueName property (string). This property is assigned automatically by the designer (or the first time you want to access the columns if they are built dynamically).
ZoneIndex Int32
Gets or sets the order indexes for fields displayed within the same zone.
ZoneType PivotGridFieldZoneType
Gets the zone type of the field which determines in which zone the field is positioned.
Sets the IsHidden property to false and sets the ZoneIndex so the field will be placed as last in the zone