The settings are associated with Telerik.Web.UI.PivotGridConfigurationPanel and determines its behavior and enabled functionalities.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
- Telerik.Web.UI.PivotGridConfigurationPanelSettings
DefaultDeferedLayoutUpdate Boolean
Gets or sets if the defered layout update is enabled which determines if the changes will be applied after every operation or only when clicking the Update button.
EnableDragDrop Boolean
Gets or sets if the drag drop in the configuration panel will be enabled.
EnableFieldsContextMenu Boolean
Gets or sets if a context menu will be displayed when right clicking fields in the configuration panel.
EnableOlapTreeViewLoadOnDemand Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating if the will use a Load-on-demand to load its nodes.
FlattenOlapUncategoriezedFields Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating if all uncategorized fields coming from OLAP cube will be put under category folder or rendered directly as children
LayoutType PivotGridConfigurationPanelLayoutType
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the row header zone of the pivotgrid will be shown.
OlapUncategorizedFolderName String
The name of category under which all uncategorized fields are put.
Position PivotGridConfigurationPanelPosition
Gets or set a value indicating where the ConfigurationPanel will be places relative to the pivot grid.
ShowHideCheckBoxToolTip String
ToolTip that would appear over the fields' checkboxes