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Represents an NodeBindingSettings section in the Telerik.Web.UI.RadOrgChart RadOrgChartcontrol.


Telerik.Web.UI.RadOrgChart RadOrgChartsupports binding to hierarchical data including groups as logical entities.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.UI.OrgChartNodeBindingSettings


DataCollapsedField String

Gets or sets the data field holding the Collapsed property for the currently bound Node.

DataFieldID String

Gets or sets the name of the data field used to uniquely identify each row.

DataFieldParentID String

Gets or sets the name of the data field used to identify the parent Node.

DataGroupCollapsedField String

Gets or sets the data field holding the GroupCollapsed property for the currently bound Node.

DataSource Object

Gets or sets an instance of Node's data source.

DataSourceID Object

Gets or sets the ID of the Node's data source.