Class holding settings for number formating which are applied on Telerik.Web.UI.RadNumericTextBox value.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.UI.NumberFormatSettings : ICustomTypeDescriptor
AllowRounding Boolean
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the value will be rounded.
CultureNativeDecimalSeparator String
Gets the native decimal separator of the control's culture.
DecimalDigits Int32
Gets or sets the number of decimal places to use in numeric values
DecimalSeparator String
Gets or sets the string to use as the decimal separator in values.
GroupSeparator String
Gets or sets the string that separates groups of digits to the left of the decimal in values.
GroupSizes Int32
Gets or sets the number of digits in each group to the left of the decimal in values.
KeepNotRoundedValue Boolean
Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the control will keep his not rounded value on edit mode.
KeepTrailingZerosOnFocus Boolean
Gets or sets whether the control will keep its trailing zeros (according to the DecimalDigits setting) when focused.
NegativePattern String
Gets or sets the format pattern for negative values.
NumericPlaceHolder String
Gets or sets numeric value placeholder inside PositivePattern/NegativePattern.
PositivePattern String
Gets or sets the format pattern for positive values.
ZeroPattern String
Gets or sets the format pattern for zero values.