The MonthYearFastNavigationSettings class can be used to configure RadMonthYear's client-side navigation popup.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
- Telerik.Web.UI.MonthYearFastNavigationSettings
- Telerik.Web.UI.MonthYearNavigationSettings
CancelButtonCaption String
Gets or sets the value of the "Cancel" button caption;
CancelButtonCaption String
Gets or sets the value of the "Cancel" button caption;
DateIsOutOfRangeMessage String
Gets or sets the value of the "Date is out of range" error message.
DisableOutOfRangeMonths Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the months that are out of range will be disabled.
Setting this property to true will disable the months that are out of range
EnableScreenBoundaryDetection Boolean
Gets or sets whether the screen boundaries should be taken into consideration when the Fast Navigation Popup is displayed.
EnableTodayButtonSelection Boolean
Gets or sets the value indicating whether the Today button should perform date selection or simple navigation.
EnableTodayButtonSelection Boolean
Gets or sets the value indicating whether the Today button should perform date selection or simple navigation.
HideAnimation CalendarAnimationSettings
Gets the settings which determines the animation behavior of the hiding of the popup.
HideAnimation CalendarAnimationSettings
Gets the settings associated with hiding the fast month year navigation.
NavigationNextImage String
Gets or sets the name of the image that is displayed for the next year navigation control.
NavigationNextText String
Gets or sets the text displayed for the next year navigation control.
NavigationNextToolTip String
Gets or sets the text displayed for the next year navigation control.
NavigationPrevImage String
Gets or sets name of the image that is displayed for the previous year navigation control.
NavigationPrevText String
Gets or sets the text displayed for the previous year navigation control.
NavigationPrevToolTip String
Gets or sets the text displayed for the previous year navigation control.
OkButtonCaption String
Gets or sets the value of the "OK" button caption;
OkButtonCaption String
Gets or sets the value of the "OK" button caption;
ShowAnimation CalendarAnimationSettings
Gets the settings which determines the animation behavior of the showing of the popup.
ShowAnimation CalendarAnimationSettings
Gets the settings associated with showing the fast month year navigation.
TodayButtonCaption String
Gets or sets the value of the "Today" button caption;
TodayButtonCaption String
Gets or sets the value of the "Today" button caption;