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The class holding all Telerik.Web.UI.RadInputManager client events.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.UI.InputManagerClientEvents


OnBlur String

Gets or sets the client side event which will be fired when the input contol loses focus.

OnError String

Gets or sets the client event will be fired when incorrect value is entered in the input and the validation fails.

OnFocus String

Gets or sets the client side event which will be fired when a focus to the input control is given.

OnKeyPress String

Gets or sets the client side event which will be fired on every key press when the input control is focused.

OnValidating String

Gets or sets the client side event which will be fired before a input control is validated.

OnValueChanged String

Gets or sets the client side event which will be fired on changing the value of the input control.