Represents a single ImageEditor ToolStrip.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.StateManager : IMarkableStateManager, IStateManager
- Telerik.Web.UI.ImageEditorToolBase
- Telerik.Web.UI.ImageEditorToolStrip
CommandName String
Gets or sets the name of the command fired when the tool is clicked.
CssClass String
Gets or sets the CSS class applied to the ImageEditor tool.
Enabled Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ImageEditor tool is enabled.
EnableDefaultTool Boolean
Enables the use of default tools. Last selected becomes the default.
ImageUrl String
Gets or sets the location of an image (icon) to display in the ImageEditor tool
IsSeparator Boolean
The ImageEditorTool should not be used as a tool separator.
IsSeparator Boolean
Gets or sets a bool value that indicates whether the tool is a separator.
ShortCut String
Gets or sets the keyboard shortcut which will invoke the associated RadImageEditor command.
Text String
Gets or sets the text displayed in the tool.
Tools ImageEditorToolCollection
Gets the collection of ImageEditorTool objects, inside the tool strip.
ToolTip String
Gets or sets the ToolTip of the ImageEditor tool.