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The class holding settings when setting up P:Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.EditMode F:Telerik.Web.UI.GridEditMode.PopUp .

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
  • Telerik.Web.UI.GridPopUpSettings


CloseButtonToolTip String

Gets or sets the tooltip that will be displayed when you hover the close button of the popup edit form.

Height Unit

Gets or sets a value specifying the grid height in pixels (px).

KeepInScreenBounds Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the popup editor will be displayed in the visible viewport of the browser window.

Gets or sets if the popup will be modal. If set to true the background will be grayed and only operations in the popup will be possible.

OverflowPosition GridPopupPostion

Gets or sets a value determining the way the popup will be displayed if it can not be accommodated inside the visible viewport.

ScrollBars ScrollBars

Gets or sets the visibility and position of scroll bars in the popup control.

ShowCaptionInEditForm Boolean

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the caption text is shown in the edit form.

Width Unit

Gets or sets a value specifying the grid height in pixels (px).

ZIndex Int32

Gets or sets the z-index css property of the modal popup.