Container of misc. grouping settings of RadGrid control
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
- Telerik.Web.UI.GridPdfSettings
AllowAdd Boolean
Allow content to be added to the PDF file
AllowCopy Boolean
Allow content to be copied from the PDF file
AllowModify Boolean
Allow the document to be modified
AllowPrinting Boolean
Allow the content of the PDF file to be printed
Author String
Document author
BorderColor Color
Determines the color of the borders
BorderStyle GridPdfBorderStyle
Determines the thickness of the border
BorderType GridPdfBorderType
Determines the border type for the exported RadGrid
ContentFilter GridPdfFilter
Determines the default content filter used by the PDF engine
Creator String
Document creator
DefaultFontFamily String
Determines the default font
DisableContentEncryption Boolean
Determines whether the content encryption will be disabled
FontType FontType
This property describes the different types of font embedding: Link, Embed and Subset.
Possible values: Link The font program is referenced by name in the rendered PDF. Anyone who views a rendered PDF with a linked font program must have that font installed on their computer otherwise it will not display correctly. Embed The entire font program is embedded in the rendered PDF. Embedding the entire font program guarantees the PDF will display as intended by the author on all computers, however this method does possess several disadvantages:
Font programs can be extremely large and will significantly
increase the size of the rendered PDF. For example, the MS
Gothic TrueType collection is 8MB!
Certain font programs cannot be embedded due to license
restrictions. If you attempt to embed a font program that
disallows embedding, RadGrid will substitute the font with a
base 14 font and generate a warning message.
Subset (default value)Subsetting a font will
generate a new font that is embedded in the rendered PDF that contains
only the chars referenced by RadGrid. For example, if a particular
RadGrid utilised the Verdana font referencing only the character 'A', a
subsetted font would be generated at run-time containing only the
information necessary to render the character 'A'.
Subsetting provides the benefits of embedding and significantly reduces
the size of the font program. However, small processing overhead is
incurred to generated the subsetted font.
ForceTextWrap Boolean
Determines what will happen when a given text is larger than the cell width (and there are no whitespaces inside). If set to true, the overflowing text will be carried over to the next line; otherwise (false) the text will break the cell boundaries
Keywords String[]
Document keywords (comma-separated)
PageBottomMargin Unit
The bottom margin of the page
PageFooter GridPdfPageHeaderFooter
This element holds the contents of the footer zone of the page
PageFooterMargin GridPdfPageHeaderFooter
The margin of the page footer
PageHeader GridPdfPageHeaderFooter
PageHeader element holds the contents of the header zone
PageHeaderMargin GridPdfPageHeaderFooter
The margin of the page header
PageHeight Unit
Gets or sets the page height that RadGrid will use when exporting to PDF.
This setting will override any predefined value that comes from the PaperSize property.
PageLeftMargin Unit
The left margin of the page
PageRightMargin Unit
The right margin of the page
PageTitle String
Page title
PageTopMargin Unit
The top margin of the page
PageWidth Unit
Gets or sets the page width that RadGrid will use when exporting to PDF.
This setting will override any predefined value that comes from the PaperSize property.
PaperSize GridPaperSize
Gets or sets the physical paper size that RadGrid will use when exporting to PDF.
It will be overriden by setting PageWidth and PageHeight explicitly.
Producer String
Document producer
Subject String
Document subject
Title String
Document title
UserPassword String
Determines whether the exported document will be password protected.