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Class holding settings in order to setup a P:Telerik.Web.UI.GridTableView.NestedViewTemplate settings.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
  • Telerik.Web.UI.GridNestedViewSettings


DataSourceID String

Gets or sets the DataSourceID of the nested view template.

ParentTableRelation GridTableViewRelation

Each entry in this collection consists of a relation key names. These key names have to be also populated in each GridTableView DataKeyNames array. When these properties are specified correctly, will be able to determine the child records of each GridTableView when the control builds the hierarchy, without handling the DetailTableDataBind event. You need to define the ParentTableRelations/DataKeyNames for the MasterTableView/GridTableViews according to the database relations conventions.And here are the exact conventions: the primary key column name for each table in the grid source (used for master/detail table population) should be added to the DataKeyNames collection of the respective master/detail table - The MasterKeyField in the GridRelationFields should match the primary key of the parent table in the corresponding relatio - The DetailKeyField in the GridRelationFields should match the foreign key of the child table in the corresponding relation