Class holding settings associated with the Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid keyboard navigation functionality.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
- Telerik.Web.UI.GridKeyboardNavigationSettings
AllowActiveRowCycle Boolean
This property set whether active row should be set to first/last item when current item is last/first and down/up key is pressed (default is false)
AllowSubmitOnEnter Boolean
This property set whether the edit form will be submited when the ENTER key is pressed (default is false)
CancelChangesKey GridFocusKeys
Gets or sets the key which cancel all changes when a GridTableView.EditMode is set to Batch.
CollapseDetailTableKey GridFocusKeys
This property set the key that is used for collapsing the active row's detail table (default key is Left arrow)
DeleteActiveRow Int32
Gets the key which deletes the current active row.
EnableKeyboardShortcuts Boolean
Gets or sets a value which if set to false, prevents the keyboard short-cuts such as update/insert on ENTER, exit edit/insert mode on ESC, etc. from being active.
ExitEditInsertModeKey Int32
Gets the key used when exiting edit or insert mode.
ExpandDetailTableKey GridFocusKeys
This property set the key that is used for expanding the active row's detail table (default key is Right arrow)
FocusKey GridFocusKeys
This property sets the key that is used to focus RadGrid. It is always used with CTRL key combination.
InitInsertKey GridFocusKeys
This property sets the key that is used to open insert edit form of RadGrid. It is always used with CTRL key combination.
MoveDownKey GridFocusKeys
This property set the key that is used for moving Down the active and selected rows (default key is Down arrow)
MoveUpKey GridFocusKeys
This property set the key that is used for moving up the active and selected rows (default key is Up arrow)
RebindKey GridFocusKeys
This property sets the key that is used to rebind RadGrid. It is always used with CTRL key combination.
SaveChangesKey GridFocusKeys
Gets or sets the key which update all records when a GridTableView.EditMode is set to Batch.
UpdateInsertItemKey Int32
Gets the key used when updating or inserting an item.
ValidationGroup String
This property set the validation group of all controls placed into the Edit/Insert form of the RadGrid