Container of miscellaneous grouping settings of RadGrid control
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
- Telerik.Web.UI.GridGroupingSettings
CaseSensitive Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the grouping operations will be case sensitive or not.
CollapseAllTooltip String
Gets or sets a string that will be displayed when the collapse all groups image is hovered.
Localizing the grid messages topic lists all the tooltips and text messages which can be modified.
CollapseTooltip String
Gets or sets a string that will be displayed when the group collapse image is hovered.
Localizing the grid messages topic lists all the tooltips and text messages which can be modified.
ExpandAllTooltip String
Gets or sets a string that will be displayed when the group expand all image is hovered.
Localizing the grid messages topic lists all the tooltips and text messages which can be modified.
ExpandTooltip String
Gets or sets a string that will be displayed when the group expand image is hovered.
Localizing the grid messages topic lists all the tooltips and text messages which can be modified.
GroupByFieldsSeparator String
String that separates each group-by field when displayed in GridGroupHeaderItems.
GroupContinuedFormatString String
The group header message indicating that this group continues from the previous page.
Localizing the grid messages topic lists all the tooltips and text messages which can be modified.
GroupContinuesFormatString String
The group header message, indicating that the group continues on the next page.
Localizing the grid messages topic lists all the tooltips and text messages which can be modified.
GroupItemsWrapperTableCaption String
The caption for the table which holds all group items in the .
GroupItemsWrapperTableSummary String
The summary attribute for the table which holds all group items in the .
GroupSplitDisplayFormat String
A part of the string that formats the information label that appears on each group header of a group that is split onto several pages parameter {0} will be replaced with the number of actual items displayed on the page parameter {1} will be replaced with the number of all items in the group
GroupSplitFormat String
Gets or sets the format string that will be used when group is split, containing the GroupSplitDisplayFormat or GroupContinuedFormatString and GroupContinuesFormatString or the three together.
IgnorePagingForGroupAggregates Boolean
Gets or sets value indicating if group aggregates should not depend on the current page.
MainTableCaption String
The caption for the table that wraps the .
MainTableSummary String
The summary attribute for the table that wraps the .
NestedTableCaption String
The caption for the table second level table in the .
NestedTableSummary String
The summary attribute for the table second level table in the .
RetainGroupFootersVisibility Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the group footers should be kept visible when their parent group headers are collapsed.
ShowUnGroupButton Boolean
Gets or sets value indicating if group panel item's ungroup button should be shown
UnGroupButtonTooltip String
Gets or sets value text of group panel item's ungroup button's tooltip
UnGroupTooltip String
Gets or sets a string that will be displayed when a group panel item is hovered.
Localizing the grid messages topic lists all the tooltips and text messages which can be modified.