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Class holding settings associated with the Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid export settings.

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • System.Object
  • Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
  • Telerik.Web.UI.GridExportSettings


Csv GridCsvSettings

Gets the CSV settings.

Excel GridExcelSettings

Gets the Excel settings.

ExportOnlyData Boolean

Determines whether only data will be exported.

FileName String

A string specifying the name (without the extension) of the file that will be created. The file extension is automatically added based on the method that is used.

HideNonDataBoundColumns Boolean

Determines whether the Action columns (Select, Edit, Delete, Button) will be exported.

HideStructureColumns Boolean

Determines whether the structure columns (the row indicator and the expand/collapse columns) will be exported.

IgnorePaging Boolean

Specifies whether all records will be exported or merely those on the current page.

OpenInNewWindow Boolean

Opens the exported grid in a new instead of the same page.

Pdf GridPdfSettings

Gets the PDF settings.

SuppressColumnDataFormatStrings Boolean

Determines whether the DataFormatStrings of the columns will be suppressed when exporting. Setting this property to true will cause a rebind when exporting.

UseItemStyles Boolean

Determines whether the RadGrid styles will be applied to the exported files

Word GridWordSettings

Gets the Word settings.