Class holding settings associated with the Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid exporting to Excel functionality.
Inheritance Hierarchy
- System.Object
- Telerik.Web.UI.ObjectWithState
- Telerik.Web.UI.GridExcelSettings
AutoFitColumnWidth ExportAutoFitWidthMode
Determines whether RadGrid will auto-fit the columns' width based on the length of the content. False by default. XLSX format only.
AutoFitImages Boolean
Determines whether RadGrid will fit the image within the boundaries of its parent cell (true) or will leave it with the default dimensions (false). False by default. BIFF only.
DefaultCellAlignment HorizontalAlign
Determines the default header cell alignment when exporting to Excel. Default value is 'NotSet'.
FileExtension String
Gets or sets the file extension for RadGrid Excel export.
Format GridExcelExportFormat
Gets or sets in which format the Excel data will be exported.
WorksheetName String
A string specifying the name of the worksheet that will be created. If none is set, the ExportSettings.FileName will be used for a Worksheet name. Not applicable for ExcelFormat.Html.